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Went for test pan looking for new dig sites this morning after dropping the kids off at school. Found this lil colour at the waterfall at Sunshine plaza... :p
yobskin said:
Getting a mallet n chizel today guys i went back other day. Place was ransacked hahahaha but i found more great indicators!!! Drill holes for tnt... im going highbanking today....breakin rocks can wait i got plenty of time....i like sharing my experiences with you guys realy do but there is alot of activity going on around here now... maby its from my posts who knows? But theres alot of younger fellas doing the wrong thing....and i feel slightly responsible for getting them excited. Lurkers! . People be responsible abide by the law please.
I wont be posting as often......sorry guys.

Always have to keep some advice on locations under your belt. Personally, I've always gone by the principal of..."Tell them where you've been"... not "Where you're at". That way you won't get disappointed, and you're still giving good advice to the novice, who should still get at least some colour for his troubles. Research is something all prospectors need to do for themselves and should never be cheaply given away. ;)

Hey Yobskin
Sad to hear that someone is poaching your spot, but hope it doesn't deter you from posting and giving good advise in the future.
I agree with Wal, "tell us where you have been, not where you are at". Hope you still post pictures of how you cracked that rock and what is inside, (seeing others finds, gives me a little buzz and hope for the future).
Kind regards Boyd

P.S. The waterfall is that the one in the middle of the shopping plaza :lol: :lol:
Yobskin, now that you've created the "diversion" you can go back get some more of those boulders and practice how to crack them. There is a product a chemical rock breaker called Dexpan - maybe try some.
Looks like two dragons to me,... very very nice display item, that.s for sure.
It was found in a mine in Kalgoorlie, and donated to the museum. Was fantastic to see in person.
If there wasn't so many armed gaurds, I might just have....... Hugged the cabinet :p
It's funny though, my 2 year old tripped and head butted the cabinet and an alarm went off!! Thought I was gonna get shot. :lol:
About 100mm tall. I wouldn't even hazard a guess as what the weight would be. Anybody wanna have a crack?

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