Hey all,
Newbie here obviously, I'm Ash and I'm from Armidale.
After being rissoled by the moderator on my first post I thought I should probably introduce myself..
I started building the Walbanker last week, getting there slowly.
I've gone the full size unit as we are in a good gem area, hoping to pull some nice stones along with the gold.
I've picked up the WX10 pump, what an awesome little thing, love it!
The main stumbling block, as for most it seems, was the expanded mesh - offcuts are simply not available in this town and obviously paying $600 for a full sheet is not an option.
So my alternative is an old flyscreen door, scored for $10.
The profile looks good enough to me but is only 5mm high, so I doubled it up - should be good.
Hopefully after tomorrow she'll be getting close to done, update soon.
Newbie here obviously, I'm Ash and I'm from Armidale.
After being rissoled by the moderator on my first post I thought I should probably introduce myself..
I started building the Walbanker last week, getting there slowly.
I've gone the full size unit as we are in a good gem area, hoping to pull some nice stones along with the gold.
I've picked up the WX10 pump, what an awesome little thing, love it!
The main stumbling block, as for most it seems, was the expanded mesh - offcuts are simply not available in this town and obviously paying $600 for a full sheet is not an option.
So my alternative is an old flyscreen door, scored for $10.
The profile looks good enough to me but is only 5mm high, so I doubled it up - should be good.
Hopefully after tomorrow she'll be getting close to done, update soon.