Prospecting Australia

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dam it said:
:lol: Not that I give 2 :poop: :poop:
But when another member mentioned something about our Asian neighbors ( China ) recently it was called a Racist comment .
But seems New Zealand is open slather . :lol: :lol:
Me I dont care what people call each other :rolleyes: So please carry on I just got more Popcorn :lol: :lol:

There's a big difference Dam-it.
Comments implying the Chinese are invading by stealth by buying up all our "strategic" land and we'll need our guns to defend ourselves are born out of fear and mistrust and can incite hatred.

The Chinese buying/leasing land and buying businesses and infrastructure in Australia is no different than dozens of other countries and in fact less than a lot.
But the Chinese are always singled out. Why? fear and mistrust.

Kiwi jokes are born out of friendly rivalry (usually sporting) between two close neighbours who would be the first (and have) to come to each other aid when needed.
Just as we are masters at poking fun at ourselves, some of the best kiwi jokes I've ever heard came from the mouths of kiwis themselves. They are not born out of fear and mistrust and are not used to incite hatred. (not for a moment was I implying Mackka was trying to incite hatred)

You'd have no problems telling a kiwi joke to a kiwi, but how would you go telling a Chinese bloke you're keeping your powder dry because......
So, So true M.T.

And the thing is, we all know the Kiwis can hold their own. Athletes, Victoria Cross medal winners, Actors, Scientists, Artists & Musicians, Sports Men & Women. In every field of human endeavor they punch well above their weight on the world stage for such a small population. The fact that they share some genetic material with the Merino sheep line just makes it even more amazing :p :p
We are very close, Oz and NZ, in fact, half the kiwi population is here in Oz. Unfortunately, the average IQ has dropped in Oz to record levels with them coming here.

Yes Deepseeker, that is one of the benefits of DNA testing, that now we have irrefutable evidence of interbreeding of Kiwis and sheep. hahaha
Don't forget the Pavlova.... NZ's best.... Bro.. :playful:

You only need to see the Trucks lined up at Wellcamp Airport, west of Brisbane every 3rd day of the week, Waiting for the 'Tourists' to get off the Direct flights from China to clear the way for all these trucks to load their Produce for the Return flight back to China...
Cartons are Strapped in the seats that had peoples rears on only hours before...

Sad but a very True sight........

And Who said We have nothing to fear ?.... Try getting a Job out there... Not a chance if you come from Australia... :/

They may not own much 'Land' here, But what they Own is OUR Prime ...

madtuna said:
dam it said:
:lol: Not that I give 2 :poop: :poop:
But when another member mentioned something about our Asian neighbors ( China ) recently it was called a Racist comment .
But seems New Zealand is open slather . :lol: :lol:
Me I dont care what people call each other :rolleyes: So please carry on I just got more Popcorn :lol: :lol:

There's a big difference Dam-it.
Comments implying the Chinese are invading by stealth by buying up all our "strategic" land and we'll need our guns to defend ourselves are born out of fear and mistrust and can incite hatred.

The Chinese buying/leasing land and buying businesses and infrastructure in Australia is no different than dozens of other countries and in fact less than a lot.
But the Chinese are always singled out. Why? fear and mistrust.

Kiwi jokes are born out of friendly rivalry (usually sporting) between two close neighbours who would be the first (and have) to come to each other aid when needed.
Just as we are masters at poking fun at ourselves, some of the best kiwi jokes I've ever heard came from the mouths of kiwis themselves. They are not born out of fear and mistrust and are not used to incite hatred. (not for a moment was I implying Mackka was trying to incite hatred)

You'd have no problems telling a kiwi joke to a kiwi, but how would you go telling a Chinese bloke you're keeping your powder dry because......
:D Peace Brother

You are right Steve :Y:
The UK owns more of Australia than any other Country followed by the US , Netherlands , Singapore China is No were near the Biggest foreign owner of Australian soil . But yes are always in the spot light . " Why ? fear and mistrust " :100: % agree with ya . Lets face it they dont have the best Human rights protection .
And are a very secretive race that have plans for most of Our Country , But not good for us -me thinks )
:lol: :lol: I was only stirring the pot and havin a Laugh with this :lol: :lol: As I thought the Climate change topic was a bit over my Intelligent,s level :drooling: :playful:
On a lighter note ;
Why did the Pine tree lay across the road ??
:lol: :lol: He had to many Cones :lol: :lol:
I presently have my daughter, her Kiwi partner and my 2 grandsons (12yo & 14yo) spending Xmas/New Year with me. :Y:
One of the first questions I fielded from the grandsons was, "why do Aussies cheat at cricket."
I asked what they meant ....... "you know grandad, sandpapering cricket balls and bowling under arm". (they'll never let us forget that last one).
Bloody Kiwis!

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