Took my TDI oz pro out for its 1st run in the bush today.
2nd guessing myself if I had done the freq tune and ground balance ok.
Found swa at my 1st stop, near a small gold find in the 1980, s, about 500 oz in nuggets came from around here, and there is no real reason for it to be there in the 1st place....biggest nugget was 23oz, so had hoped that some one had missed one due to old tech. Couldnt access the exact area, so went to similar spot for nill.
Then, 2nd spot, about 100m from a working gold mine, worked on the highway side of the fence, and found a few fuggets....1st one Sounded exactly like my test nugget, and after about 5 min digging and sorting, found what felt like a small nugget, bit of spit, right color poking through! Cleaning it up, and 2 man made lines appeared? About 20mins later, I found the answer, it was a bit of the brass outer casing of a bullet projectile, found the base and some jacket of another one, then an SG pellet from a shotgun. Crossed the highway, and found gods country, some of the most beautiful country I have ever seen, of course no camera, , if I get out that way again, ill take some pics, stunning. No sign of anyone ever being first.....after a while, got my mate got a loud zing on the mxt, so started to dig, 40% iron, bullet it said....sounds good, except it was a bullet, a very old .303 about 8 inches down.
got back to the car, and a landcruiser ute with an orange light on the roof parked about 200m behind me. Mine security I reckon, gave him a wave, no response. We drove away, he went the opposite way.
All in all, I got some confidence using the tdi. Buried my test piece about 8 inches down, its a 1.5gm nugget, in a gel filled plastic box. Could just hear it. At 6 inches, got a faint signal, that im not sure I would have dug. But I later found those small bullet fragments, which gave me some much needed confidence. Had a few emi issues. Found it best to turn the tdi off, and re tune everything again, nomworries, only takes a minute.
cheers dave.