I have ordered conductivity switch with wire loom from Goldsearch . I have received email from Goldsearch saying that they are still waiting for pricing from White's USA. As it is not certain that White's will sell this switch to the Aussie, does anyone know what sort of socket is on PCB board for the conductivity switch to connect to? I have been in to electronics for most of my life,but I can't recall seeing such a socket. It is not Moltex, I have searched their catalog. Pin spacing appears to be 1.25 or 1.5 mm, can't measure it exactly, my eye sight is bad. It would be much easier if we can find right plug and solder it to the switch of our choice. I had SPP open this afternoon and low battery light can be moved to the speakers area and still seen thru speaker holes, when it comes on. Toggle conductivity switch can be fitted in the hole left by battery light. In case of need for warranty repair, detector can be restored to its original conditioning.