Whinge of the day thread...

Prospecting Australia

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that's it dave as long as the powers to be keep getting their back pocket patted nothing will change
just have to look at the last inquest into the great supermarket rip off
the powers to be spruiked of how they were going to hold them to task, it ended up being a general meeting of mates at the local
they created the problem 40 to 50 years ago with allowing them to own the market and now they are sh#%t scared to to do what has to be done
Are supermarket prices the only thing that have exploded in recent years. What about land prices, building materials, medical costs for those not on pensions, hospitality, takeaway food, electricity and gas?
Enquiries are usually set up by governments under pressure to deflect attention away from their role in things and the supermarket enquiry is no exception.
Enquiries with narrow terms of reference are a very good tool of governments to delay and get out of answering for their role in things and attempt to blame others. An enquiry with much broader powers as to why inflation has been so widespread apart from supermarket prices is an enquiry that no government would want as it would sheet home the government's true role in the cost of living that is affecting us so badly now.
Not saying that supermarkets have not unnecessarily put up prices but that is a result of inflation not the cause.
The three main reasons for inflation are Demand Pull, Cost Push, and Expectations. Savvy businesses that don't want to go bust usually practice something of the latter which is basically trying to stay ahead of push and cost issues. Many of those that don't such as in the building or hospitality industries are now going to the wall.
If people want to be able to dash into a supermarket and grab a few items off the shelf before heading off to do something more important of course they will pay the price for that convenience and supermarkets are well aware of that.
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Agree mate but not sure what you meant about medical costs for those not on pensions. Land prices around me have gone through the roof over the last few years e.g. 750sq. M block $790,000 and I saw a block the other day of just over 1,000 Sq.M for $1Million and these are in the burbs not the city. Most of the stuff i see in supermarkets on special is crap filled with sugar and i don’t classify it as “food”! Soft drinks, biscuits, lollies, chocolates, cereals, frozen pizzas, nuggets chicken that is, and the list goes on and on. The poor bloody kids of today don’t have a snowflakes chance in hell of surviving in the economic situation unless the gov’t drastically pulls these profit mongers to heel and quickly. Queensland has an opportunity to change things shortly and as the Olympics are due in 32 something better start happening soon. Mackka
Mackka, was referring mainly to health insurance costs there which is almost a necessity for those who don’t qualify for the pensioner concession. (Ed) Can make huge differences on things like hearing aids.
Yes it is amazing how much junk processed food is sold in supermarkets, but people still continue to buy the stuff. A particular hate of mine is bottled water and even more so water with caffeine aka “energy drinks”.
People and especially the younger generation are forgetting how to prepare food for themselves and even lots of modern city apartments have limited food preparation and storage facilities.
Preparing your own food is still cheap if you look for the best value fresh produce in meat and veggies and buying in season.
It is just a matter of spending more time shopping well and preparing one’s own food. For many in the younger generation it’s seems all about the convenience not the product.
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I must say that I support them once a year on McHappy Day for McDonald House, that's it but I do see Mums and Dads taking the kids after school, after sport and any other time of day feeding them. I am so happy that i learnt to cook, sew, iron and do the laundry at a young age so I could look after myself and not have to rely on fast food for one thing.
ate rotting ronnies (mackdonalds once)in the bin never been back

waited for the kuffle to die down when hungry jacks opened here (about 2 or 3 weeks later ),the cook and myself took one bite looked at each other and threw it in the bin on the way out never been back

how can they be allowed to sell that sh#$%%t as food is beyond me

Hungry jacks burgers grilled, they put food die on it to get the grill marks ,when we were ordering years ago i said to the cook ,grilled my ar$%#e you could see them cooking on a flat solid BBQ plate like at home and the bloody burger had charcoal grill marks on it

I think we are forgetting that the supermarket inquiry was all about their over the top profit and price gouging

one of the big two in 2001 desperately wanted our produce (uniform size ,no grow ,harvest marks and what ever on the produce they had a plan to screw us
but 3 months later they agree to our terms of sale
it is amazing how many food safety rules that ,that big one threw out the widow just to get that produce that they wanted to try and screw the public
believe me they did not screw the public

the general public have no idea of how they treat their suppliers sometimes , but it was the same with bunnings over the seedling and tree sale's

come on people take the bloody
hores blikers.jpg
i will leave it there
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Regards the medical rip off.
Was paying top medical cover for decades, HBF - $330/month.
Had a medical problem last year and was waiting in a public hospital for a bed in private hospital to have a procedure done. A nurse suggested I call HBF and enquire what it was going to cost me over and above my private cover for the ambulance to private hospital and the procedure. $3500 estimate.
The nurse then asked me if I would consider being transferred to a public hospital that were equipped to do the procedure. I agreed.
Next day I was transferred by ambulance the procedure was carried out following day.
I was out of pocket $0, yes zero$.
As soon as I got home I cancelled the HBF private cover.
Rip off's are occurring all around us.
Again another item purchased on Ebay.
Item advert location states Sydney.
A week later i`ve been wondering why is it taking so long.
Decided to contact the courier asking what is going on.
He says looks like it`s coming from China.
There should be a Law against this as it`s False Advertising.
Now i`m wondering if i should be Charged for Obtaining Goods by Deception.
Regards the medical rip off.
Was paying top medical cover for decades, HBF - $330/month.
Had a medical problem last year and was waiting in a public hospital for a bed in private hospital to have a procedure done. A nurse suggested I call HBF and enquire what it was going to cost me over and above my private cover for the ambulance to private hospital and the procedure. $3500 estimate.
The nurse then asked me if I would consider being transferred to a public hospital that were equipped to do the procedure. I agreed.
Next day I was transferred by ambulance the procedure was carried out following day.
I was out of pocket $0, yes zero$.
As soon as I got home I cancelled the HBF private cover.
Rip off's are occurring all around us.
Well done Nj. My wife’s cousin needs a hernia op and he dropped out of private many years ago but didthe right thing and simply opened an account and every month put the same amount into it. His doctor sends him to a specialist and the waiting list at public is 12 months ,so he says he will pay cash up front and he is now on a waiting list and might get in in three to six months.
last time i ate that maccas rubbish @ 3 yrs ago...was going to meet a mate for a beer ...decided to grab a quick feed at maccas...big mac ect...scoffed it down n went to pub...half way thru my first beer I had to leave ..went home... threw up n slept for a coupla hrs to get over it...never again
last time i ate that maccas rubbish @ 3 yrs ago...was going to meet a mate for a beer ...decided to grab a quick feed at maccas...big mac ect...scoffed it down n went to pub...half way thru my first beer I had to leave ..went home... threw up n slept for a coupla hrs to get over it...never again
Old trucker said to me it was a good place to stop beacause the tucker there was getting turned over regularly..🤔
With a 10 yr or more shelf life it may have some longevity properties why not race horse jockeys eat it ..... .🤮


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Again another item purchased on Ebay.
Item advert location states Sydney.
A week later i`ve been wondering why is it taking so long.
Decided to contact the courier asking what is going on.
He says looks like it`s coming from China.
There should be a Law against this as it`s False Advertising.
Now i`m wondering if i should be Charged for Obtaining Goods by Deception.


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Bush said:
Again another item purchased on Ebay.
Item advert location states Sydney.
A week later i`ve been wondering why is it taking so long.
Decided to contact the courier asking what is going on.
He says looks like it`s coming from China.
There should be a Law against this as it`s False Advertising.
Now i`m wondering if i should be Charged for Obtaining Goods by Deception.
Sounds like drop shipping, mate. The advert location doesn't mean the goods are in Sydney, that's just where the drop shipping seller is (or should be). He passes your order to his Chinese source for fulfilment and collects a commission for doing so. Easy money and fortunately, supply from China is usually pretty fast, so mostly buyers are kept happy.

If you check a seller's feedback rating and it's less than about 98%, also check their full feedback history for neutral and negative ratings from buyers complaining about ordering from one place but goods being sent from another.
Again another item purchased on Ebay.
Item advert location states Sydney.
A week later i`ve been wondering why is it taking so long.
Decided to contact the courier asking what is going on.
He says looks like it`s coming from China.
There should be a Law against this as it`s False Advertising.
Now i`m wondering if i should be Charged for Obtaining Goods by Deception.
know what you are going through ,when i get the notification that it is from china ,not at the stated address i apply for a refund straight away from pay pal
don't care if it is drop shipping or not state that on the site
never had a problem with a refund yet, just state false advertising to pay pal
i don't give 2 sh$%#$ts what they think
if you state aussie stock with me i it must be leaving a address in australia not wingbingshit from china
i don`t want to keep dumping on CN.
We know 90% of everything is coming from there these days but deception is deception .
EBay Adverts should state shipping from China & include Made in China regardless of the obvious.
Certainly if the Item is 20% cheaper than competitive suppliers guarantee-ed it`s coming from OS.
Auto Part Items and Postage should be regarded as High Priority in my view.
Anyone can order direct from Made In China , Alibaba and Tempu ect and line up postage direct to a buyer and make a few bucks.
I think next time if the item i`m seeking has no significant value i`ll buy direct from Mainland CN companies.
Knock out the middle man, save a few dollars and reduce the order and dispatch time of Asian / Australian Marketeers.
I did receive my purchase but it took 10 days for an item that apparently is in Au only 5 hrs drive away.
Some people will do anything for a dollar without ever considering the values of others.
Feedback on the above. No Stars *.
This is my whinge of the day.......

I have posted this onto my hobby Instagram too, as this is a great deal of concern to me to not only ensure people are responsible when partaking in this hobby, but also to ensure that this hobby does not get the bad reputation it does not deserve, and to defend it just as horse enthusiasts are defending their hobby too.
Hobbyist Warning Post.jpg
" As an avid detectorist, bottle collector and history enthusiast, I am doing my part to remind people to be responsible within this hobby. I am sure I am not the only person who wants to represent the good side of our community and those who are irresponsible are not welcome to represent the hobby. Those who are good do not want to be seen as guilty by association within the public, due to negative interactions and activities.

I have recently been made aware of a sad situation regarding the North Adelaide parklands.

A horse owner made me aware one of the horses in the paddocks had cut it's hoof on some exposed glass in the LeFevre paddocks. Unfortunately, detectorists and bottle collectors have been suspected to be causing land disruption, through turning the soil over and exposing the broken material. This has caused increased irritation and concern by the horse owner's leasing the Council land. The owner's are aware it is public land and has been used as a dump over 180 years ago, and sadly no matter how much is picked up off the top soil, the land is entirely full 3-4 feet deep at least of items from broken glass bottles, building brick and stone, rusted steel, and much more.

This issue has prompted me to contact the relevant parties, in hopes to work with their community to bridge the metal detecting community/hobbyists with the community in question.

Neither want to bring the issue as far as to the Adelaide City Council, both want to work in harmony with each other, however, without a bridge between both ends, a resolution will not be found, or potential ban of detectorists in these parklands could occur.

Please do your part to take all rubbish and hazardous materials with you, no matter where you are; beach, park, parklands, forests, etc.

Thank you. "

I do not appreciate the 'guilty by association' type of view this hobby can gather, due to some irresponsible people who happen to be in the same locality partaking in the same hobby. It's not the first time I have run into this kind of scenario, however, someone from the public questioning you is one thing, to have a significant affect on others, animals and the environment, is another.

Please help to protect this hobby for our community, and the generations following to enjoy the wonders of metal detecting, bottle collecting, gem and mineral, and gold prospecting.

Thank you,
Saving Our History

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