When I was a lot younger

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Jaros said:
We had dry ice delivered to the front gate-------no electric fridges then ------or hot water service!!!! It was heated in a wood fired copper in the back yard. :8
Had ice chests not fridges - hot days we would follow the ice mans cart and he would give us broken lumps. Breadman in his gypsy type cart would give us warm but damaged quarter loaves, my mother would make me chase the milkman's cart with a shovel (free fertilizer). Rag and bone man with his dray - "bring out your goods". Petrol 35c equivalent per GALLON. Party-line telephone. Casting white metal rings for the two cylinder van. Shooting rabbits along creeks in the Melbourne inner suburbs, swimming on hot summer nights at the old wooden Burke Road bridge. Dad and Dave on the radio at night. First B&W TV in street for the '56 Olympics....
1966 we had our Black and White TV.
There was no local repeater so we had this big high antenna
to pick up from Wollongong.
Any way, When colour came in my brother bought one and when Dad came home,
He turned the colour off.
Dad did not notice for a while that is was a colour telly. He just thought it was a new
black and white bought to replace the old faith full that had gone west.
While Dad was out of the room, He turned the colour back up.
Dad was rather shell shocked.
This was 3 months after colour was started to be transmitted.
We milked our cow twice a day 6am and 5pm - Dad would use the separator to have milk come out of one of the spouts and the other spout cream.
We cut firewood every day for our Coal Range/Aga and our Open Fireplace because without doing that we'd have no hot water, the pipes that ran through behind the stove and fireplace went straight to the boiler and if we had no fire then we'd have to use the old copper tub to boil water for baths.
We only had a Radiogram which we played records on and listen to the Sunday Morning - Bad Jelly the Witch program.
We played and got dirty, went hand lining for eels, jumped the neighbours fences to raid the fruit trees, we ate sour grass in the paddocks and had a lot of fun.
Collecting walnuts from a few trees down the road, life was simple with no social media.
$24.00 a week in my first job. Pint of Southwark was 50 cents. $1.50 pack of 20 smokes (Kent)
Bought my first single barrel shotgun fron a general store for $16.00. You couls go to the local grocery shop and buy air rifle slugs, .22's and 12 guage shotty shells. We never used to lock our house snd Dad used to leave spare set keys to the car in the boot lock. Never had a problem.
I remember when dad and uncle Gronk took me on my first Mammoth hunt. It wasnt a huge one, but still fed the tribe for a month.
On my 12th birthday I bought my first spear. It cost me 3 sea shells and a shiny thing, not super expensive but it could kill bison and sabre tooth as good as those flash jobs the posh kids in the cave next door had.

I remember when Og invented fire... thought he was so smart.
Tried to make a portable type you could carry in your pocket, unfortunately pockets hadnt been invented yet and he burnt himself to a crisp. Not so smart after all. But then I suppose we should credit him with inventing cooking meat too.

I was always jealous of that rich kid Ugg with his flashy skins, man he could pull the chicks! And I dont mean across the cave floor by thier hair either.
Years later I heard he was showing off to a bunch of girls in the next village when a bear ate him.

Ahhh...the good old days!
madtuna said:
I remember when dad and uncle Gronk took me on my first Mammoth hunt. It wasnt a huge one, but still fed the tribe for a month.
On my 12th birthday I bought my first spear. It cost me 3 sea shells and a shiny thing, not super expensive but it could kill bison and sabre tooth as good as those flash jobs the posh kids in the cave next door had.

I remember when Og invented fire... thought he was so smart.
Tried to make a portable type you could carry in your pocket, unfortunately pockets hadnt been invented yet and he burnt himself to a crisp. Not so smart after all. But then I suppose we should credit him with inventing cooking meat too.

I was always jealous of that rich kid Ugg with his flashy skins, man he could pull the chicks! And I dont mean across the cave floor by thier hair either.
Years later I heard he was showing off to a bunch of girls in the next village when a bear ate him.

Ahhh...the good old days!
Yer mate you are old :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Ahhh...must confess... none of that happened, I made it up. :8

I do remember as kids getting dripping on toast.... we LOVED it! Couldnt get enough of it.

Always thought it was a special treat. Years later I found out it was because we were dirt poor
I remember my mum saying the same thing - they had dripping on bread with salt and pepper. Sounded disgusting to me! She also said during the war years they ate nothing but rabbits for their meat - and she's refused to eat them ever since.
From memory as it is, I think our 1st. B&W TV was an ATLAS in 1956. Can't find it on Google. Does anyone remember the brand?

Hi Jaros - don't recall an Atlas tv, but do remember the old Astor. Are you getting your A's mixed up maybe?
Remember when if your car didnt start there were only 3 reasons. No fuel, no spark or no compression. No sensors or check engine lights.

Air conditioning on a hot night was go outside to sleep and fight the mozzies.

Being gay meant something completely different.

Pubs. Front bar and Ladies Lounge.

Looking for a phone box to make a phone call and asking the operator to put you through.

When big macs where big!

When grand parents were awesome and knew how to make ***** and live on a shoestring. No Woolie or Coles.

When jobs were deceided on experience and seniority. NOT MERIT, which is a coverup!

Ps. Im a pup at 50 but those are some early memories.
Mid to late 70s my dad remarried (mum passed when i was 9),we shifted from canowindra where dad had the cowra and canowindra milkruns to the mountains outside of nowra on my stepmums families property,they had a small sawmill supplying the coal mines in the gong.
We were poor and i mean poor,dad fixed up a really old set of bails around the back of the farm with a big caravan on one side,no power no phone,we were there for years until he built a small house around the front of the farm near the power etc.
We had a huge old lister 2 cylinder hand crank genny,cold winter morn youd crank it 20 times before it would go pop pause pop pause pop then slowly come to life,it was basic living but awsome.
Id come home from school and make ten bits of fairy bread then on the mini bike or grab the 22 and go chase some bunnys or go to the creek and try to shoot an eel.
Weekends and school holidays id work in the mill alot,was an honour to work with my step pop his partner and dad,ya didnt get paid it was a family affair.
Killed our beef and lamb of course and they milked every day,nan even made our butter and treated all the hides into rugs,the lamb skins were awsome.
Dad got into carting bushrock to landscapers etc later on,he bought this old 50s austin 6-7 ton truck so wed load it up usually camped out nerriga way for a cuppla days then take it to sydney to sell,on the odd occasion hed pick me up from high school in it,all the kids from town would be picked up in the latest falcon or commo or some nice car,some dads even had put mags on them,and theres dad parked between all these nice cars in this old austin truck full of bushrocks,it wasnt the coolest look when ya trying to get a date with one of the hotties in year 9 :)

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