first , I would like to thank "thedigger" for the youtube link on the current plight of the farmers and the drought and to the variety of views on land management . The current kangaroo problem is far from I suppose, the original purpose of this thread, but it does demonstrate the lack of understanding the real issues on land management . I have seen the roo's in plague proportions and the cause is the farmer, improved pastureland more waterholes, and the ability of the roo to hold off reproducing until the time is right, But the crap about culling and shoving a tag in the dead roo's mouth and letting the carcas , absolute idiocy, I was not aware of the ban on turning the roo skin into leather, thus depriving the farmer from another source of income in these hard time , ok who has or had a pair of the best boots in the world " RM Williams" made from pigskin, no , was it cow hide nahhh ,,,, they were made from roo skin , so common sense would say cull the roo's income for former to buy food for cattle. price of roo meat in woolies/coles $12 kilo and that's not the dog food its up there with lamb cant afford it, lol.
personally Me thinks mother nature does more harm to the environment than we hobby prospectors do , the banning of high banking, now restricting access to fossicking with one hand and promoting it with the other , dealing with government beauracracy is a long painful process complicated by change in the captains but not the crew. All this behind the scenes drafting without letting the stakeholders know until its too late it appears that the Napfa Committee have their hands tied whilst trying to work thru the issues, hey the AGM is almost upon us once again, a change in the guard might be a backward step, but, getting a few more crew members on board might be a step in the right direction,, to help with the workload, perhaps its time to get political , I just had an issue and looked at the so called legislated protection and found all the glass doors so have become "political", what other choice did I have ..... none. I was surprised at the ignorance the local member had on my issues, which has broad community implications, perhaps that is the sign of the times and thats my thought for tonight