George Baker
Thanks to everbody who has contributed to this post, especially Loamer. Being a total newbie, I feel I have learnt so much from reading it through from start to finish. Very informative.
echidnadigger said:My memory of puddlers is a little vague now days but if memory serves me I am pretty sure cyanide was used in the process to break up the clay. If this was the case then it stands to reason that cyanide may still be present at some level in close proximity to the old puddlers. If there is an imminent threat to a prospectors health and well being then I would also say stay well clear of working the ground around and down hill from any puddler. I also believe in protecting the heritage of these areas and dont want to give anyone a reason to exclude us from these areas, because of the act of digging around them. If someone could elaborate on the facts of the operation of puddlers I would like to hear from you. Thanks