Yes Mackka i realise its too late, It was just a suggestion for next time..... I do like wax but it wont stick to the epoxy... So it has to be Epoxy for my stuff...LW , with respect i don’t think he is after an epoxy but now that he has started with a wax he doesn’t have a choice, he must continue. Nucopia, if you work your wax with 0000 steelwool you should end up with a silky smooth , easy to maintain finish that will last for years. Mackka
Looks fine.
Wht an awesome start eh?!!Right now I'm watching the pre-race coverage of the Sydney To Hobart yacht race, I love watching the start of this fantastic race, what a spectacular sight as they head out of Sydney Harbour and round the Heads, I'd love to be there to see in the flesh, maybe one day.️
Bloody double ouch.Ouch!
Not good Les, all the best for the surgery and a speedy recovery.Sitting in a bed at Canberra hospital waiting to go under the knife in the morning. Saw benches can bite hard. One mistake can be costly. My ability to count in fractions has been enhanced. 9.25 will be my best count if all goes well.