No wonder Santa didn't get to me

he left all the toys at Simmos

Sweet set up

Whilst setting up Simmo shorten the chains so just some slight slack when on full lock. You can use rated Hammer Locks if you do not wish to cut chain, opposed to D shackles as only allowed one D shackle on each chain. Quick tip regards jockey wheel hanging so low and can get caught up on ramp overs (and it will) especially on set ups where trailer axle is so far from jockey wheel, set it in up ward position and drill and fit clevis pin to lock it there whilst travelling . Drill down near wheel as shown as up further there is threaded rod inside, any doubts you can wind bottom of jockey leg and see how far down thread comes. AXO jockey wheels have this feature included, but it's also a $300 jockey

Ten minute job can prevent a lot of damage. All you need now is to get it dirty

Getting plenty of rain last few days and heavy enough to wake me up, the Delaneys flowing and paddocks are soft enough for quads and SBS access only at the moment. Okay daylight peeps so it's off to see what mother nature has un earthed for us
Axo jockey which clearly shows the clearance difference of having wheel parked up