What a day

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Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
Goulburn, NSW
Had a nice day yesterday, took number 2 daughter to Sydney and put her on a plane to China, where she is doing a one month language and business scholarship at Shanghai Uni. I'm pretty proud of her, as there are only 20 of these available world wide.

Wife and I had an enjoyable lunch at Hurricane's Grill in Brighton Le Sands, before the drive back to Goulburn. I had a giant plate of beef, pork and lamb ribs. This was just great.

Today started out OK, until I noticed that someone had stolen a ladder out of the front yard. Damn. It was one of those adjustable ones that goes into different shapes etc. The joke was on them, however, as it was at least 25 years old, and the joints were pretty much fu**ed.

A couple of hours later, on the way to the gym, a magpie slammed into the side of the ute. First time this has ever happened. Then, about a kilometer or so down the road, a cattle dog came hurtling out of driveway, right under my wheels. I did not have time to brake.

The poor ******* was lying in the gutter wagging his tail, probably in shock, but was obviously was in a bad way. The owner had opened the gate to put him in his ute, but the dog just took off, right under my front wheel. After a few minutes the dog was obviously fading.

The owner was OK, as they knew that there was nothing I could have done, but I felt pretty bad, because I have dogs of my own. My main thought was that it could have been a kid on a bike or scooter.

That's how it goes sometimes.
Not a good run there mate, keep that strong chin up, things do happen all the time, and we simply just cannot have control of it all. Of course you feel bad, but it was a simple accident with no one at fault. If it makes you feel better, mabey go ask the bloke if he's up for a beer

We sleep at night, to wake up to a brand new day.

p.s - I hope the ladder has already done some damage to the thief
That's a bad day mate they say it comes in three's you got yours out the way in a day that but that sucks.It can only get better. :eek:
Feel for you mate, terrible feeling hitting a dog.
As you said, it could have been a kid! But it wasn, t.
Congrats to your daughter and family!
Some good and some bad - strange how life works sometimes.

Keep the spirits up despite the bad.

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