W.A. 86 yr old Prospector body found.

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Well done nucopia. What a wast of resources and so easily avoided by just taking the radio, makes you wonder.
Nucopia, sounds like your trip West is like a train wreck..Must be some good luck coming your way soon..
Cant complain Baldy its been a very interesting adventure so far ..
Reynard exactly what the police said to us , gets given a radio and leaves it at camp ..gold fever makes people do foolish things.
He also walked to with in a few hundred metres of the working mine and did not go there and ask for help..which would have been forthcoming if he presented him self at the front gate..go figure .. :argh:
Unfortunately Nucopia some people are too dimwitted to be helped, hope he learnt a few lessons he needs to learn, emergency services should have given him the bill!

People risk their lives to help these idiots and tragically a few rescuers have lost their lives in the process.

He's one damn lucky guy and I hope he takes the time to thank everyone and drop some gold in their charity boxes.

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