W.A. 86 yr old Prospector body found.

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my heart sinks every time I hear another person has gone missing, then the inevitable bad news arrives. :skull:
I can only imagine how heartbroken his family must be.
this year we have had more than a couple of old folks wander off from nursing homes over here. Some have been found alive but a couple have died & been found days or weeks later.
Very sad news. It is just me, or did that story sound "odd" and somewhat conflicting, to anyone else?
OK... He was an experienced bushman, and as Ded Driver said, "lost rescue 1.01 ..... when stuck up ship creek, stay up ship creek with your sunken ship..."
But he left it - you'd think he'd know this well, living in WA, and most probably heard about a lot of rescues/deaths over the years. And he didn't have a PLB/EPIRB?
He also left a sign pointing east - but he wasn't in that area... Why did he do that, if he wasn't going that way?

It just sounds strange to me...
It dose not sound strange to me. The guy even left tape to indicate his direction of travel. By the sounds of it and from what I have been told by people that helped with the search even if he had stayed with his vehicle it would have been to late by the time he had been reported missing. yes it is a sad outcome and being not to far from town I can understand why he may not have been carrying a EPIRB/PLB. Personally I carry one no matter what and always give someone an time of return.
When we stayed a few days in Kal the week before last we mat a Victorian prospector that tagged along when we went back out to a place we camped and prospected last year. 30ks on bush tracks to get there,arrived around 4pm and set up camp. Went about 500 mtrs in the Prado to detect for an hour before dark. I stayed close to the Prado ,the digger stayed near by and kept the 2way on. She returned before sundown but this guy wondered back after dark only after I started sounding the car hirn..he had found a small piece and the fever hit.
Next day gave him the other 2 way and showed him a good place not far from camp to start detecting. The digger went back to where she was the day before to continue there. About 100 metre from the Vic guy. I drove to a place a few ks away I had scouted out the year before with the agreement we would meet back at camp around 12 for lunch..the digger came back with out a problem just after 12..no Vic guy and radio left on the camp table..i went out looking for him after lunch at 2pm but he is not in the area he was last seen by the digger at 11 am. :( by 5.30 I went back to camp digger was there waiting but no Vic guy..6:30 I'm driving sounding horn and sitting for 20\30 minutes with the high beam on ..still no Vic guy ..at 9 pm I called triple 0 give the our camp coordinate and wait fir them to drive 34ks on bush tracks in the dark to get to us. 11:30 they arrive.
Next morning I'm up at 6 drive out to the area the digger last seen Vic guy.find his tracks and his tracks are heading south away from camp.. As I suspected his headed in the general direction of a large mine about 4 kms south west of our camp. I drive down that way to see if the night before he has been drawn there by the lights and the noise of there trucks a kilometer from their gate I run into 4 4x4 and a truck from SES and a Kal police 4x 4 bringing up the rear..
Our camp becomes the base for their planned search..they have a spotter plan booked to fly in at 9:30am..
I give them coordinates to his last sighting and tell them about the directions of his track heading south. Away from camp. The sootter plane flys in on tome does to passes and informs the police on the ground that they are waiting the time as the ground vegetation is impossible to see through. The leave before 10 am.
Its now up to SES on the ground walking and vehicles ti continue the search.
They tell me this is their 3rd missing person search in 48 hours.

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