VEGE PATCH. What's growing in yours?

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Yeah keeping things in balance is working well Silver , your garden is looking amazing mate. Looks like spring is in full swing with everything flowering and fruiting .
Nothing but weeds growing in my veggie patch at the moment.
Once the threat of frost has gone, i will do start planting for the warmer months

Im a bit jealous of you guys further north and all that sunshine
They got it right up here when they tagged it the Sunshine State ! :D
germination on these peas has been very slow . still now where near all up , not sure if its the cold nights (though i dont think its been cold enough to worry peas ) or the crap that bunnings sell as compost which is more like wood chip mulch .anyway i have bough some better looking stuff to germinate the next lot in so that will be a bit of a test see how much better or worse it goes .
Its that time of the year for most veg so weve got swedes, broccili, onions, spuds, artichokes, sweet potato, zuccini and garlic chives growing.
While I have a dedicated plot of strawberries, I havent prepared them yet for the new season which will be at it height in Dec. Still to weed, clean up and fertilise the plot so they give us a great season.
i am growing some spuds in pots this year just to try it out . makes for easy harvest from what i have seen on youtube . lot less work than when i was a kid in the UK and i used to hand dig a 1/4 of an acre ( 2 allotments )for them . then dig again to harvest them ,want all spuds though dad and i grew cabbage , brussel sprouts , and a few berry fruits . all done with a garden fork . one of the joys of being the oldest boy in a large family when times were hard .
must grab a pick of the spuds some of them should be up by now i will have a look when i go out to my block this arvo.
Hey Silver . Those shield bugs really give my rasberries a real sucking that ends up drying out the berries. I just knock them off into a tub of soapy water and that does them in in no time.
Bjay said:
Hey Silver . Those shield bugs really give my rasberries a real sucking that ends up drying out the berries. I just knock them off into a tub of soapy water and that does them in in no time.
I had some logan berries that were going really well but then got attacked by sheild bugs just before ripening. All accept one bush that had a hopper ant ( jumping jack ) nest on a near by post. They would go hunting and literally leap on a sheild bug if they saw one and cart it off, got a bit of a sting on them though :mad:
Good going on the Cappas Hard Luck.....For some reason I can grow everything but capsicum, and for the life of me cannot figure out why. You name it I've had a go at it but Cappas are like my nemesis. One year I produced over half a tonne of tomatoes and got about 6 capsicum....there's clearly something I'm doing wrong. And worse the bloody things were mature plantings ! :mad:

If any of you blokes have the secret I'd love to hear about it.
yep spuds are up in every pot and looking nice and healthy too . plan is when they get above the top of the pot i am going to top up the soil /compost level right up to the top ,they are only a bit over half full with soil/comp at the moment.these ones are all "Nicola" spuds ,i still have some "kipfler" to plant yet , better get that done soon cos its getting a bit late in the season to be planting spuds here.
OldGT said:
Good going on the Cappas Hard Luck.....For some reason I can grow everything but capsicum, and for the life of me cannot figure out why. You name it I've had a go at it but Cappas are like my nemesis. One year I produced over half a tonne of tomatoes and got about 6 capsicum....there's clearly something I'm doing wrong. And worse the bloody things were mature plantings ! :mad:

If any of you blokes have the secret I'd love to hear about it.

Hey OldGT, no secret here. Could be the variety you are growing.
Since this batch was passed on to me as seed about 7-8? years ago I have stuck with them as they are great producers and handle the cold quite well.
I'm happy to pass on seed if you like.

Citrus is my nemesis. Can't do a thing right with it. :argh:
Hard Luck said:
Bjay said:
Anyone got asparagus?.Mines just starting so havent got pics.

I've got about 3 measly very old rhizomes still going. Noticed today they had pushed up about 5 spears. Asparagus is hard to grow mate. Good luck with it.
Pretty easy to grow where I am in gippsland. Only thing Ive had trouble with them is I think there pretty heavy feeders. I have got about 5 good years out of them but have neglected them a bit. The best one Ive got is a self sown one. Taken about 5 years but its throwing 6 to 7 spears every week.
Hard Luck said:
Bjay said:
Anyone got asparagus?.Mines just starting so havent got pics.

I've got about 3 measly very old rhizomes still going. Noticed today they had pushed up about 5 spears. Asparagus is hard to grow mate. Good luck with it.
If there old crowns they probably need to be divided and replanted, itll give them a new lease on life.
texta said:
yep spuds are up in every pot and looking nice and healthy too . plan is when they get above the top of the pot i am going to top up the soil /compost level right up to the top ,they are only a bit over half full with soil/comp at the moment.these ones are all "Nicola" spuds ,i still have some "kipfler" to plant yet , better get that done soon cos its getting a bit late in the season to be planting spuds here.
Have you tried Dutch creams.? My favourite spud. Bloody hate growing spuds, there everywhere here, only a few thousand acres of the things.?
we quite often eat dutch creams and i do like them one of my favorite spuds ,but i couldnt get any seed ones and i could get these nicola so thats why i planted these.
Looking good fellas...
I have asparagus but its just been cut back and mulched over in recent weeks.
harvested a few button squash this morning and lifted a carrot to see how they are going.
Ground must not be friable enough to carry a straight carrot.

here's the lot this morning :D

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