VEGE PATCH. What's growing in yours?

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iamagoldenoldie2 said:
The lemon tree my wife plated years ago has a new fruit , looked at it today lemons on the ground and these white things with yellow heads into what left, what does lemon cocky taste like ????
We never used to have them around here apart from an occasional pair in summer and instead had many small groups of black cokatoos but then people in there wisdom started to feed those white ones, because " its lovely to have them in your garden " because of this they stayed over winter and built up in numbers to now become a large flock that have destroyed both orchid crops including 100 yr old walut trees and many old native gums recently, also the black cockys have been driven out by competition for nest holes. The problem is they have a beak that never stops growing so for beak maintanence they have to constantly chew on something even if they are not hungry, as for your lemon tree sounds like they just like eating it, sorry.
the main cause of blossom end rot in tomatoes is lack of or not enough calcium . it causes the fruit to have weak cell walls which then rupture more easily than they should .
there are other things that contribute but it basically it mainly comes back to not enough calcium .
first pea germinated , first of many i hope .they are a bit slow when it is still getting down to zero outside some nights but they are waking up and on the move.cant wait ,i love fresh young garden peas . these are a variety called "pea willow " grown a lot in the uk under another name which i cant remember but they are a very big yielding variety with a quite long pod . i have never grown this one before , i always used to grow telephone peas which are basically "alderman ".
i will wait a few weeks then plant some more and maybe some broad beans . i have some spuds set in big pots but they are not doing anything yet .i also have some kipf;er to plant some time in the next few weeks .
Looking good fellas.... with global warming the fringes for planting tropical trees should extend further southwards ,..... Try fertilizing that lemon tree with seasol, supised to keep bats off fruit and bananas etc.... because of the smell they cant find it... maybe that will work for yella tipped cockies too (only a maybe but worth a try at least ,.... and is that a raised hydro bed there texta ? :D
i used to grow tomatoes , pumpkins and rock melons on a slightly bigger scale a few years ago when i was a bit younger .
tomatoes were grown in 1000 plants blocks between fruit trees where a row or 2 of trees had been removed about 200 mtrs long i think from memory could be wrong on the length though been a while .
Out in the garden...
only four oranges left on the tree... but it was a regular juice supply this season with no jabs at our house and no sniffles or colds either.
all the skins went back around the tree as in nature.

and as it finishes up.... it starts all over again by flowering for us.

I'll post more after tea. :Y:
Bananas been getting some scraps... that will soon get a covering of palm frond and some mowed grass to help the worms get up to it all.

mangoes are starting again

plum is in full flower

and it has a jap pumpkin taking off underneath it.
I've gotten some mulch special for in between and around the garden beds to help hold in the moisture during summer.
just need to spread it and wster it in well.

thougjt I would show how the tomatoes rob surrounding plants of nitrogen, and how peas make it available for them.
Red onions next to tomatoe

red onion next to pea.

then lettuce next to tomatoe

and lettuce next to pea

just thought it is best to see this sort of thing to learn about it. :Y:
Love your work Silver you could make you tube vids of this very practical exercise and demonstrate how nature intended for us to grow our food better although it is harder to grow food on a commercial scale
Again great to see your results
Pagan P :Y: :beer: :trophy:
Down here in the cold we have dug into our vege garden a heap of cow manure, blood and bone etc in readiness for a spring planting of veges. I never plant before Melb cup day as a rule because of the danger of frosts.
We have just sown our seeds in the hot house to rear our seedlings. Great time of the year!! Love our Garden.

GT :)
Got some mulch needed help for fathers day :D
All around the veggie gardens

it'll keep the walkway weeds and grasses at bay

and it'll keep the inground moisture from evaporating away as quickly this summer.... saving money on water in the long run. :D
Goldfreak said:
Like your macadamia silver. I fertalised mine and killed it :awful:
Plant another then mate.... and water well 1/2 hour before ever feeding(goes for anything. I find natural feeding the best way to go.
Mine is just full of flower.

Well worth another shot at it. :Y:
Danny13 said:
silver said:
Silver how do you keep the bugs of your fruit without pesticides ?
Manually Dan, if possible (find and remove).... share with the pests, is another method (acceptable casualties).... last resort is a pyrethrum bases spray directed at only the pest in question(mainly those shield bugs to make them drop so you can crunch them.... they are hard to destroy).
If I have repeated lack of successful cropping with something I will try to grow something different instead next time. Allowing most things to live will allow a normal type zoological environment where predators thrive as well, and they will keep the nasties in check.... only intervene as a last resort Dan. ;) ;)

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