VEGE PATCH. What's growing in yours?

Prospecting Australia

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Bananas no fruit yet.



Lemon and Lime.


Sweet potato and Moringa Oleifera.
Out night lookin to see if I can catch what's eating off some corn plants.

I'm not the only one lookin

The frog spun quick to keep watch on me lol

Toads keepin an eye out too

That many of them they work in shifts lol
this lots gettin in a swim on their down time

found some wasps up in the mango tree... lucky I never got stung pickin mangoes the other week :eek:
planted up some pineapple plants the other day that had been sitting in a bucket of water for 6 months ( great root system) nice and green.

getting some little pumpkin on... if they drop I might experiment with some white oil n see if that does the trick or not

grabbed a new timer to help save water a bit

And...orchid time again :D
(Always makes me happy)
Our tomatoes are crap,along with a lot our friends,too cold,a week back looked at the gauge,6.6 degrees in the morning.
Pumpkins,well they will amount to nothing.
But the good news our trees have really grown this year,two years growth in one,cool weather,no global warming "Here"
Corns doin alright now... must be too thick to bite through now, or the frog got whatever it was.

something in the nut tree, but only in one little spot.... never seen it before

I'm assuming this could be related to it as it's also the only leaf I can see on the tree like that too.

I'll try that white oil from bunnings

I gave it a good douse... so I'll see what happens.
The old tropical plum tree seems to be suffering this year


so I'm giving it its best shot for survival
Guinea pig bedding tea, and milk

tea's brewed well over time

and the milk will bring the micro biology to life to kick start the micro flora and fauna into full gear

and then cane mulch over the top of it all

job done.... :p

Now it also has Lichen growing over a fair amount of trunk and branches that may also be the culprit

I'm contemplating using this product on it... kills lichen fungus and moss. It's the stuff to spray before painting too if the timber is bare and lichen covered.
I'll read the fine print first though :|
sorry it's not the best photo

almost like a conspiracy lol.... all the other photo's are great :p
Already had lichen growing on it when I grew that tomatoe up it while dormant.
maybe just that plum got its nose out of joint a little over it.... or doesnt grow well with tomatoe... or even maybe comfrey for that matter.
Tomatoes and pumpkins,no good at all, here at Creswick,total loss due the cold summer.
But no doubt the BOM will tell us there is some record heat.
So putting up a hot house,that will solve the problem.
But the trees just loved the cool weather,the oaks & maples put on double what they normally do.

But this grew well.
Deepseeker said:
Hard Luck said:

Those tomatoes look nice Hard Luck :Y: Many different varieties too. Do I spy Beefsteak and Ox Heart in there among all of those?

Hi Deepseeker. Yes the beefsteaks are my favourites. Take their darn time to ripen though. Been picking them a bit green so the birds do not get them. The Oxheart is a cross that happened about 7 years ago. Unless I got my seeds mixed up which I'm pretty sure did not happen as I have only grown Oxheart many years ago. I do regularly grow Brads Black Heart and I believe it crossed with one of my favourite beefsteaks.
Yet to be named.
If you ever want seeds let me know :Y:

Here's a few pics of some of this seasons beefsteaks.



Well done hardluck, they look mind-blowingly excellent! There's nothing nicer than oxheart or beefsteak sliced thick, on toast with freshly ground black pepper for breakfast with a big mug of tea. I've only just finished dinner and those photos have made me hungry again :drooling:

I sure would like a few seeds to try for next season if you have some to spare thanks! Do you think they would survive a trip in an envelope?
You most likely have to be aware of quarantine restrictions when sending vegetable seeds.
Deepseeker said:
Well done hardluck, they look mind-blowingly excellent! There's nothing nicer than oxheart or beefsteak sliced thick, on toast with freshly ground black pepper for breakfast with a big mug of tea. I've only just finished dinner and those photos have made me hungry again :drooling:

I sure would like a few seeds to try for next season if you have some to spare thanks! Do you think they would survive a trip in an envelope?

Yep. They will survive alright. Tommy seeds can stay viable for up to 12 years. From Memory you are in Vic? So no problem there. Contact me via pm and I'll send you seeds if you want some.

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