Got out for a bit of a hunt today, BBs all the way.
Thought I'd try a spot that every man and his Jack Russel have been over(twice) on the way home as I really wanted to pull a silver today.
And wouldn't ya know it,
"POW", Sixpence for my troubles.
Well I put em in a CAB thinking they'll come out all flash aye.
not to be.(note the perfectly flat background within the coin)
Set up the Electrolysis Cleaner(EC). and poured in the salt.
Got it all ready to go.(Ladies look away, yes, that says Tupperware down the bottom)(Ssorreyyy ! ).
and gave it 5 seconds, rotated the coin, another 5 seconds.
And here she is Pristine, the 1951 Sixpence.
(note the background is not pitted in any way shape or form still)
first image is the clearer of the two(sorry).
Happy as a pig in stinky ***** over this one.
Note the A at the end of AUSTRALIA, maybe a soft strike too. 8)
Oh, and I only washed it with that handwash I use when it came out of the EC.