Just waiting to see your next Florin now RJ,..... couldn't find all the silver without getting the BBs in the way first,... just no silver under that lot(darn).
Daughter(7) reckons, show off her treasure,.... she's rich.
2005 aussie $1.00
$50 000 check currency(tourists used them for toilet paper in other countries,... apparently they were cheaper to use than to buy the toilet paper back then)
Family gold effort,... I hope no one followed us,..... as they would get all our gold,.... I will let the photos speak for themselves.
Ohh yeah that's it to the left of the five cent piece,...... beauty isn't it.
I would donate it to PA as a guess the weight prise,... but there probably isn't a set of scales in Australia small enough to get a good weight reading for it,... and the kids would dis me if I gave it away at any rate.
Mind you,... we did better specking molybdonite at a private spot.