Well,... I hear old Charles Garret has passed the post for the last time on the great race of life,... I miss him already,.... never got to meet him at all, but,... got to see into his mind through his books,..... that's how a person can live on, by leaving great traces of knowledge that can teach and educate those that come long after the fact,... with those people standing in awe at the increase of knowledge that they have gained from a remarkable man, though he be gone from this earth(even for many days) already.
Here is a link to the news posted on another forum that I found when searching to see this sad news.
I know that with the passing of time the pain of loss will ease somewhat,.. but the memory of this man will not dim in the minds of many,.. many,.. people.
Mudguts said in his thread " sad day " that he would swing for Charles today,... I'm going to do as Mudguts does and slip out for a swing for Charles,.... I know it will make me feel better, and who knows what I could find.
So, as Charles Garrett would have said himself, "
I'll see you in the field ".