Today I braved the mysterious enigma of the internal combustion engine. Pretty scary ***** for a fella with no mechanical knowledge, and little mechanical aptitude. Managed to get the big plastic cover off of the top of the donk, (winner!) Then proceeded to look for the no 2 cylinder injector and coil pack, found it buried deep under a poo load of hoses and wires which had to be removed/disconnected and shoved out of the way to get to the coil pack. Ohhhh crap! I don't have a socket small enouh for the bolt holding the coil pack in place. Doh! So out to Masters to buy a cheap 16 buck small socket set, then raced back to finish the job while I still remember how to put all this crap back where it belongs. Old coil pack out, quick run over with the dust buster to clean up the crap around the hole, whacked in the new coil pack, and put it all back together, then possibly the hardest part, putting the plastic cover back on the motor. Took me 15 mins stuffing around with it before I worked out the right/easy way to put it back on. Duuuuh!!! So then for the monent of truth, to start it and see if the misfire is gone. I took a deep breath and turned the key, half expecting it not to start at all.....the engine fires up straight away, and purrs like a kitten. Happy days! Giddy up! Took it for a test drive and no problems. So I think the exploder is 100% operational again. Saved a heap of dough doing it myself, I couldn't have even bought the genuine part from ford for what it's cost to fix it myself, and that includes the scan tool and socket set and coil pack I bought.