Chillie sauce Feb 2022
10 cherry tomatoes
12 short purple chillies(turn orange when ripe)
8 cold chillies(small capsicums really..... 8 = one normal sized red capsicum)
20 small birdseed chillies( they were about half normal size..... so ten beauties would do)
2 small green pointy capsicums(about 6-8 cm long (they have a non sweet strong taste)
1 segment of giant garlic (equal to 3 or 4 Chinese garlic size)
1 Flat teaspoon of pink Himalayas salt
2 Flat tablespoonfuls of white sugar
2 Tablespoonfuls of virgin olive oil
150 must of Bragg's apple cider vinegar(with the mother)
Puree everything in a blender for 5 minutes , or until very very fine(except the olive oil and vinegar)
In a small pot on the stove top
Add the olive oil
Add the puree
Add the vinegar
Mix well
Bring to the boil(stirring occasionally)
As soon as it is boiling, turn it down to a simmer for the next 30 minutes. (mixing occasionally still)
Prepare your bottles by sterilisation using warm water, then adding boiling water once the bottles have heated up a bit( stops them from breaking with the heat if you add boiling water intermittently over time.
Also put the lids and a plastic funnel into a pot and add boiling water to sterilise them.
The string spoon is already sterile from the cooking process for when you scrape the pot at the end.
Once the bottles have been emptied and filled with sauce(while all still hot) sit the lids on without tightening..... only tighten after about 5 minutes(this will create an airight seal and vacuum inside of the bottle, so it will not go off if kept in the cupboard).
Remember to be careful with very hot ingredients and utensils.