Studog said:sheesh. If you want a pristine environment dont mine. what a load of half assed dribble.
Mungo only knows his particular spot for "decades". His so called "time period" doesnt equate to forever. In fact it doesnt equate to anything other than a memory. How long did it take to make gold? What events do you think transpired to make it? Dont you think the land changed a bit in between?
Im well past tired of idiots thinking that the land the way they have seen it during their lifetime is the way it was to year dot and therefore must be maintained thus. What utter easily provable bollocks.
Proof? Just look at the painting above and the photo satellite photo now. Now ask yourself what the sheepstation looked like when gold was forming. Land changes.....with or without man.
These are some pics from previous posts Studog, it's what Mungoman was talking about, Grabben Gullen faces this kind of consistent destruction from prospector's who make it hard for everyone else, and Grabben Gullen is just one example of a spot that is hit hard like in these pics. The powers that be are not going to wait 150 years for it to recover.....they will just lock us out.