It's almost 12 months since I stumbled into a new hobby after panning and finding some specks of gold at Victoria's Sovereign Hill (a fantastic history based tourist attraction...along with the Ballarat Gold museum- both highly recommended).
Since this time last year my newfound interest has grown dramatically , thanks to this forum and it's members.
As a local to the Gympie area of Qld, I have met through this forum, three top blokes who have advised and helped me greatly over the last 12 months...Cess, Yobskin and Tribsa 56.
These blokes have spent a bit of their time showing me the lowdown on the creek, how to set up and use gear and things to avoid. On top of that they have been great company and provided some good laughs...and a few cross words. Through these blokes and their help I have expanded my interest in fossicking and they have given me some confidence for me to even help out some other newbies to this hobby.
In addition to these guys I have met some other members of this forum and virtual/real locals like Jason, Paul, Ivor, Brett and Smokey and several others and I've again had much fun and learning talking with and digging with these guys as well as detecting with one of them. So this forum has opened up a new world of people for me.
This PA Forum has also provided a wealth of new learning for me and advice from others that comes from the hundreds of years of experience collectively held by PA members. Almost every question that you can ask in these pages will have other members who try and answer with helpful or just funny advice. I've done a bucket load of posts but as well I have spent hundreds of hours reading with interests what others have offered.
This week too another member, 3DDevil helped me out by sending me some gear at his expense (item and postage) and we have never even met. His view was ' we miners need to stick together'- what a top bloke- thanks Bill !!
It's been a great first 12 months for me...gone from knowing nothing to owning and using pans and sluices, a recently acquired banker, a Minelab SDC with wireless kit from Nenad.
In addition to that I have learned much from members...made some new friends....have visited many new places..have renewed my interest in Australian history and spent a bucket load of $ chasing a new hobby.
So as I reach my first anniversary, thank you to other members (and admins) , whose contributions and efforts help breath life into this hobby.
Mike B