ya lost me bloke ??? Stated roof panels were in series, did not state how ground panels were ? But did state that the two systems were running thru
SEPARATE controllers so roof and ground systems not connected. Anyways turned it off after the 18 minute mark when he stated that he has a shut off switch so he can turn of his controllers so that his batteries don't over charge

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I thought that's what a controller did ? Controlled voltage ? If your controller is allowing your battery to over charge then it's knackered. Anyways that will do me RR I'll just blunder on with my money in my pocket, steaks frozen in the freezer and while i sip a cold beer ponder how i have coped when i have been doing it so wrong for so long.

ps Incidentally you state I said something couldn't be done ? I have never stated anything couldn't be done ? All I have said is that a solar system connected in parallel is not effected by shade on panels anywhere near as much as on a system wired in series. You stated the opposite ? You can do what ever you wish but what works the best is the issue i guess. Apology just a pet hate of mine is being miss quoted