silver said:
So Ramjet, what's the call on consecutive posts if no one posted the next coin within that 24 hr period, is anyone able to post the next coin after midnight,...even if it was their post that was the one that was last,... or should there be an entire 24 hr period in between(or at least 12 hrs between to give the morning crew a chance), just incase it all stalls up on one coin,....just wondering is all ?
Geez silver. Nearly done my head in trying to follow your logic there. :8
I think we will leave it as is for the moment. Give others who don't log in everyday a chance to join the fun

I imagine as we get into the older pre decimals things may slow down. On the site I borrowed the idea from they where stuck for 2 years on one date.
PS. I shotgun 1982 if that's ok with all players as I have an interesting coin from that year.
PPS. silver mentioned in his topic advertising this one that a prize hasn't been offered yet. A great Idea and I'm happy to supply a prize. So...ideas on how to choose who wins the prize?