Stones I have cut

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Cheers SC. The stone is actually pretty clean, I just seem to have a knack for making tiny inclusions appear huge in photographs or even photographing something that isn't actually in the stone at all. I wish it were mine but I'm going to have to hand it over to the owner.

This is the first time I've tried this particular trillion in anything other than Quartz (which it is actually designed for). I made no changes to any angles and I was really happy with the firework-type effect created by the higher RI stone.

I think topaz would be a prime candidate for this design, I reckon it'd go off like a frog in a sock! I can't post links from this device, when I can get to the main computer I'll post you a link to the instructions :Y:
Cheers diggit :Y: It's very time-consuming but ultimately very satisfying work, there's always something new to try.
14.3 carat natural blue topaz in Akhavan's "Starheart". The design is very attractive when the stone is seen moving with the eye. It is quite a fiddly design to cut though. The crown is easy but there was a fair bit of mucking around with the pavilion.

I think the instructions also contain a small error at the crown stage, the angle of one of the tiers needs to be adjusted (though I possibly made a mistake, though I checked it a number of times and what I was doing was consistent with the instructions). If I had cut the table down to meet where the six points it is supposed to are, the table would have been so wide - probably over 80% of the width of the stone - that I think it would have robbed the stone of a lot of sparkle. The only time I cut a table that wide is when I want to deliberately show a picture in the bottom of the stone.

Thus, I "floated" the table to where I thought was right. This actually works well and looks right.

Cheers guys.

It's designed specifically for topaz and the finished product works very nicely. The fiddlyness of cutting the pavilion has left me wondering about how it possibly could be modified to make cutting it easier though. Probably would be easier the second time round in any case.
Nice work Jason those stones look great It's Chris by the way I can't remember my password so I have to wait until I get home on Tuesday so I can get it
Cheers guys :Y:

So mate, how was the weather down there - nice and crisp I'll bet? :) Did you fossick up anything interesting?
The weather is very cold haha and windy but it has been alright so far we stopped in at a cafe in Port Arthur when we went camping and they had minerals for sale there so I managed to score this little piece of Fulgurite and they had this big amethyst geode in there
Nice one there mate :Y: Did you manage to get up to Weld river?
Nah I didn't mate it would of been to far to drive because of how late we left so we went down south to a place called Fortescue Bay
Dihusky said:
Love the stone Lefty, it really dances. Thanks for putting the cutting design link up, filed away for a future project.

Cheers Dihusky. Yep, she really dances when you see it moving. Nice looking design, the pavilion can be a little frustrating to cut though. Could have been just me though. Definitely worth cutting in topaz and I'd like to see it in a higher ri stone.
Always diggin said:
Nah I didn't mate it would of been to far to drive because of how late we left so we went down south to a place called Fortescue Bay

How did you go there?

Did you convince the pilot to make a brief landing in Bass straight so you could grab some of those Kilicrankie diamonds? :D

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