silver said:
Gentlemen. .. and Ladies, the answer to all your problems... but..... you must act fast as there are letters to be sent to deal with the problem poste haste. :Y:
In my own case when it went to court even before mention the police pulled out with the statement to the magistrate that they had no
evidence to offer.
their card. 8)
I have about 7 speeding infringements that i am not guilty of.
I tried taking 3 of them to court and the judges didnt listen to a word that i or my lawyers said and f***** me over.
I tried that link above for one of them and represented myself , and the judge laughed at me and the guy immediately after me who launched into the same speil given to us by " aussie speeding fines " , that guy is full of ***** and so are the courts.
My infringements are all from fixed speed cameras and i was pinged when i had no intention of breaking the law.
1) a tyre shop fitted the wrong sized tyres on my vehicle ( fitting 225.60.16 tyres when they should have fitted 205.60.16 ) , i didnt notice until i got 2 fines in the mail for the same location , i checked my speedo at a NATA certified lab and it was out by 11 % but at the time i was working 100 hours a week and didnt take those to court.
2) Victoria Rd at Ryde , NSW , I slowed down to 40 for a school zone , drove past the school , drove past a second set of signs on the left and started to speed up to 60 again where i saw the flash , the speed camera is 210 meters after that school and there is actually 2 schools within 300 meters of each other with the school zone finishing way further up the road . the c**ts who installed the camera have conspired to take advantage of the anomalies in that location to trick people into speeding when they had no intention to do so.
3) King Georges Rd , Hurstville , NSW , i drove up a street where there is a sign that said "school Zone" but the sign is overgrown with trees , i turned out of the street into King Georges Rd and was pinged doing 56 k's in what i thought was a 60 zone , i took that to court too with photos and the judge said " It is the responsibility of the motorist to know where schools are" and f*****d me on that one too.
4) Woodville Rd , Guildford . It was 2 days after school started back , i drove up Oxford Rd where there are supposed to be flashing yellow warning lights , they were not working that morning and i thought " thats funny , maybe this school didnt start back yet" , i turned into Woodville Rd and the camera pinged me , The infringement notice didnt arrive until at least 2 weeks after the event so my dash cam had already overwritten itself and i had no proof that the yellow lights were not flashing.
5) Hume highway / Woodville Rd intersection at Villawood . I drive through the intersection twice a day , I had seen the red light camera flashing in that intersection randomly for about 3 months prior , even when there are no vehicles in the intersection , and sometimes when the lights are green the camera still flashes , I have also seen the amber light phasing on very short cycles of what seems like 1 - 1.5 seconds . It made me paranoid about getting pinged inside the intersection so one day i was driving through it with the light green and i sped up to get through in case the amber short cycled on me but guess what , the camera pinged me for speeding as i was at 70 k's as i left the intersection , the speed limit changes to 70 about 100 meters further on but that didnt satsify the SDRO when i wrote a letter to the scumm and they claimed the speed camera and lights are "within specification".
6) Welling Street , Mount Annan . The speed limit in this street changes about 11 times over a distance of 6 km , i got pinged doing 60 in a 50 zone , the cop pulled me up 50 metres before the sign that said 60 yet they still upheld the infringement.
There are more but i am getting too upset to write any more.
I have lived in this country 30 years and never broken the law.
I have done hundreds of things that would classify as " Good Samaritan acts"
What do i think of "the system" ?
You take a ***** guess.