Hi folks.
Its been a little while since the Little-Wal-E-Banker was built and i didnt get around to reporting on its performance in the field.
So here goes.....Not good !!!!!
It got its first quick run in Tuena a little while back but i had an immediate issue with the box clogging up virtually straight away. I ran it for about half an hour and then shut it down. Played with all the angles and water pressure but it just didnt seem to want to play nice.
Was I dissapointed ? You betcha !
I then gave the box to Joe so he can have a try with it at GG and he found the same issues.....so now what ?
I was lucky enough to head out to GG with Wal a few weeks later and took the box with me.
I spent the next 2 days feeding Wal's highbanker and let me tell you ....what a different machine it was. Did everything right.
So the next evening over a few cleansing ales we redesigned Little Wal's shortcomings.
Some steroids here and a bigger hopper there, extend the slick plate and the improved LittleWal-E-Banker was finished.
I still had it in me to keep it light,portable and fit inside a medium car so i kept the bare bones virtually the same.
Just as a sidenote the measurments Wal gives on his machine are important. I chose to guestimate my own measurments and payed the price
The new hopper. Note its now capable of accepting the 450mm risers and the height increase
Its nearly finished [again]
I now have a very good excuse to get out there and play.....
Hopefully the next pics will be with the machine running and clogging with gold....
