Due to inspectors browsing our site and the qld prospector bunch..
An inspector informed me today that water pumps are machinery...hahaha and thus illegal??
He was a nice fella checking permits...so i had to test his interpretation of our laws ...WELL! He is probably reading this so Gday Ross. But they are building a case against qld prospectors selling water pumps and high bankers? Because water pumps are not allowed. High bankers are fine if you peddle power the water up to it....
He did strongly suggest i rally the qld troops and start lobbying for water pumps to be approved!! He doesnt see a reason why we cant use them except there machinery....i did explain my interpetation no machinery was for the removal or gathering of material....he had no bar of it...and they cant change it only we can.....thanx for the motivation mate.
So im going to see my local parliment member!!!
I strongly suggest we all get on this to change it because he thinks we cant...its impossible!
Hahaha my reply to that was .....woman vote dont they!!!
So nothings impossible...
Lets give it to them lads.....
An inspector informed me today that water pumps are machinery...hahaha and thus illegal??
He was a nice fella checking permits...so i had to test his interpretation of our laws ...WELL! He is probably reading this so Gday Ross. But they are building a case against qld prospectors selling water pumps and high bankers? Because water pumps are not allowed. High bankers are fine if you peddle power the water up to it....
He did strongly suggest i rally the qld troops and start lobbying for water pumps to be approved!! He doesnt see a reason why we cant use them except there machinery....i did explain my interpetation no machinery was for the removal or gathering of material....he had no bar of it...and they cant change it only we can.....thanx for the motivation mate.
So im going to see my local parliment member!!!
I strongly suggest we all get on this to change it because he thinks we cant...its impossible!
Hahaha my reply to that was .....woman vote dont they!!!
So nothings impossible...
Lets give it to them lads.....