Prospecting / Gold Related TV Shows.

Prospecting Australia

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Thanks for the heads up and the link.There is a series on foxtel at the moment called prospectors ,not a bad watch
Just got the first series - any reviews?

I am now officially sick to death of that kok Hoffman and his stupidity. Parker ? get a life - give the chick the good news and move on - and the equally annoying Bering Sea numpties, especially that bloody opera singing, precious 'me gen' Emily and her stupid tree hugging alternate lifestyle dill of a father. (love the Wild Ranger boys though - they are real blokes). rant complete!
I think I watched all of this a while back - a smaller crew than the Hoffmans, using old broke-down equipment were very disappointed to pull short of 1000 ounces for the season, showing just how inept and drama induced the Hoffmans are. Some similar "drama" moments, but I felt that this show was a lot more "real" than Gold Rush. There was a distinct variation to the different groups that the show follows - made for better viewing than the "heading for a record cleanup until something broke" formula that has plagued every crew on Gold Rush.
I just finnished season 3 of Gold Rush. It is very repetetive but also addictive. I started watching Bering Sea Gold yesterday. Pretty dangerous job, I reckon. These guys have very interesting lifestyles. I think they are doing pretty well considering they are no actors.
I agree with loamer though - Todd is a peckerhead. (Or the producers make him look that way on purpose) :D
Which Bering Sea are you watching?
Summer or winter.
In the winter they cut through the ice and dive under. Now that's dangerous.
They are all nut cases too.
Guess you'd have to be to do what they do.
I think it must be the summer one as there is no snow. Still looks damn cold though. Must be the very first two episodes. My son downloaded it for me.
I am just taking a break from Gold rush as we watched the first 3 seasons worth over few weeks. :)
Gold Rush is what got me started in this hobby/obsession.
Bering sea is on Friday night after Gold rush in the USA.
I gotta wait til sat our time to DL them.
Must be tons of gold on the sea floor cause they see it as the suck up the gravel.
I have changed my tune, I find Todd inspiring, Sure he makes heaps of mistakes but only cause he is having a crack, Instead of getting destroyed by the GFC in 2008 he got out and had a go, Organized a TV show, got investment money, got the equipment up there and gave all his unemployed struggling mates a job, got Freddie and Dave on board and found almost 1000 oz in a season, As for moving it all to Sth America how many of us would undertake that??? I give him Kudos. Nothing ventured nothing gained. So easy for all of us to sit back and cut him down thinking we could do better, but we cant or we would be?

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