Well, well,well..... it's 2022 already and time to post the Silver finds of 2021.
I see I'm finding less and less each year, but that's because I'm only ever in my own backyard so to speak.... going over and over the same old ground trying ever harder for ever less because it's just not there like it used to be cause me n a few others

have done all the hard yards digging and only left the few harder to imagine finds in the ground(on account of none of us being able to step across them), but, in so saying all that we all have found is only the bits on the pin head stuck into the iceberg of possibilities.
So, without further adue.... the finds(less those given away, and plus those not posted throughout the year due to a sometimes give a rats attitude brought on by the current pandemic status).
Of course there was that half crown find that stunned me(cause they are always unexpected)(and it was me, it was me ha ha ha ha haaa)lol
And an old crushed silver ring
And a gold cufflink
Neither of which I posted(I think).
And then I'm gunna include this, cause as you know I do do a little noodling, and managed to be gifted this by (I can't say who), someone to whom I am forever grateful, and I can't say where they work, but I can vouch they do indeed exist and happen to be a beautiful person of exceptional quality when it comes to personality and a wonderful soul.
They know I hunt for such things..... and it's a high percentage big silver coin too.
Well there you go.... less is more in some case's, so they say.
And this year, was definitely less.
Maybe 2022 will see me venture a little further afield on one or two occasions, we shall have to wait and see I guess.
Happy hunting