one could never tire of seeing silver
I only bring it out every year or so gdagolddiggerart said:Very cool thread and first time I've seen it. :Y:
Yeah Dan, that's that 18c gold wedding band.... only one for 2019. :goldnugget:Danny13 said:Some good years amongst those coins too mate . Nice ring finds . Gold ring in the last pick Silver ?
Well Mackka.. since it's called pictures of last years silver to be propper we've got to cross the finish line into 2021 first (just in case I happen to swing over one last silver for this year). I can say there is a vast difference in finds between 2019 & 2020. :|Mackka said:So when do we see the 2020 findings Silver?
Yeah nah lol... that lot is 2019 Heatho.Heatho said:Nice haul mate, got way more than I did this year. :Y: