Looks like more shock tactics to me?goldierocks said:I doubt if any bears are starving because of climate change (yet, that is). I also suspect this old guy is undergoing his seasonal moult. There is lots of silly climatic stuff on the media (eg no one has yet been driven off their island because of sea level rise - yet).
There is little doubt that some islands will go under, and Maldives are near the top of the list. Sea level is constantly rising - no doubt about that - but at present rates of rise it will take 330 years to rise one metre (assuming no increased rate - not expected but possible). However some areas such as the Maldives or Carterist Islands are only a maximum of 75 cm above sea level. Would you build your house on a rock you would be wary of fishing from?mbasko said:Looks like more shock tactics to me?goldierocks said:I doubt if any bears are starving because of climate change (yet, that is). I also suspect this old guy is undergoing his seasonal moult. There is lots of silly climatic stuff on the media (eg no one has yet been driven off their island because of sea level rise - yet).
I recently read an article that was discussing that 30 years ago climate agencies were projecting that whole groups of islands (such as the Maldives) could/would be under water by now. Apparently water levels have only minimally increased & none are anywhere near being or becoming under water![]()
Funnily enough some of these same agencies are still projecting this but now in the next 15 years. There are definately changes occurring but I don't buy the full extent some try to sell us.
Awareness, clean technology & limiting/reducing fossil fuel use (but not removing it altogether) seem to me to be more logical ways forward.
Climate change is fast becoming a topic that for forums & pubs should be bundled in with religion + politics IMO. :argh:
Can be various reasons - rise over last 20 years is about 6 cm at most. Other things that can cause it are land subsidence (just as common, even for Pacific Islands - and ask people in Venice) and changes along the coast (eg building Portland terminal devastated land to its east - houses I used to party in have gone completely around Dutton Way). Restrictions on building make sense for the future.Smoky bandit said:Lived at the same house for 20yrs.The last 10 acres are very close to sea level .(Runs along the pumicestone passage)...The first 15yrs was not a problem. Now on king tides the last 2 acres go under water sometimes up to a foot depending on tide height...So something is happening. You are not aloud to build a low level house out here anymore. :8
i moved to Tasmania for a few years back in 1990 and there was a scare campaign put out there that the Bass Highway would be under water within 5 years, almost 30 years later i'm still waiting.Anolphart said:I'd like to dispute the 'fact' that CO2 is the cause of global warming as is being touted repeatedly as being 'scientifically proven'. It has been analysed (by scientists) that for the past 300 million years, in every instance (bar one) of cyclic warming/icing the warming has PRECEDED the increase in CO2. So how can it possibly be the CAUSE of it?
I agree that mankind has been crapping in his own nest for too long and yes, the increase in CO2 is a concern and should be addressed, but please don't feed us the BS that is currently being rammed down our throats!
With reference to sea levels rising causing flooding of the Pacific Islands, it has been proven that some of the Marshall Islands are actually sinking, so unfortunately people are only quoting information that suits their own agenda.
Maybe Perth could help us out. They seem to have plenty of sandManpa said:I was always of the understanding that the earths crust was a constantly evolving, moving platform, with land rising and falling across the earth surface and therefore there will be changes in sea levels, tidal movements etc on a constant basis.
Classic examples of what can happen with land mass, just build a groyne from the coast out into the sea, with tidal movement watch sand that has been deposited over many thousands of years disappear and the coastline erode due to tidal influence.
Adelaides beaches are a classic example of this, hence our government spends millions pumping and trucking sand along the metro coastline.
You can't stop on the side of the freeway in Perth without getting bogged in sand. Drove 200 klms east of Perth into the wheatbelt and got bogged on the verg!!!Goldfreak said:Maybe Perth could help us out. They seem to have plenty of sandManpa said:I was always of the understanding that the earths crust was a constantly evolving, moving platform, with land rising and falling across the earth surface and therefore there will be changes in sea levels, tidal movements etc on a constant basis.
Classic examples of what can happen with land mass, just build a groyne from the coast out into the sea, with tidal movement watch sand that has been deposited over many thousands of years disappear and the coastline erode due to tidal influence.
Adelaides beaches are a classic example of this, hence our government spends millions pumping and trucking sand along the metro coastline.layful: