Smoky bandit said:
Once land is locked here in qld...They Usually turn it into conservation area or national parks...state forrest ect..Not Sure how they work down there...Im not frustrated with you haven't given up...but gold bearing ground around SE qld is very limited theres not many areas we can fight to open...unless we want to drive multiple i said before good luck......
Yes good point ....................... personally given up on being ruled and regulated I just prefer to put in the hours driving where I know I can cruise around 200 square miles of property in a stress free non regulated environment. Only one man to please and that's the owner of said land. The drive and fuel costs a pain but the relaxed atmosphere once there makes it all worth it as at the end of the day the relaxation side of things is why I do it.
Have plenty of access to private land in both the GT and also FNQ

the bad part for me is geographically I'm basically located in the exact middle of the two

Funny you should mention Conservation area as Deep Creek which mind you is in Gympie supposedly the start of Qld gold rush the GPA is actually a Conservation Area.
What they are conserving I'm not sure (Maybe it's the vintage shipping container ?) but given the plants are all mulched with council clippings and full of shredded foil from lolly wrappers etc renders it almost totally useless for detecting