Took a drive today to seek out a new spot or two, the hunts are getting further from home month by month.
Was swinging in a park (2nd for the day) and ran into a guy interested in my shooting. He opened up and was wondering if I'd hit on anything decent. Oddly I hadn't and he revealed I'd be second to the place to himself and at least one other shooter. I'd picked up a 5c so obviously I was reluctant to say I'd gotten anything. Any how he was a nice guy and told me about some of his finds and I instantly became more interested. I like a challenge so after a ten minute chat he left and I went back to it.
My first choice of spots was packed with people and he had mentioned he had worked that also. But I do love a challenge! Over the next 40 mins I slowed down and dug any solid iffy signals. Popped out 5c and 10c pieces all over a 10mx10m area. Then I got two great digs in a row. Up first a deep 1c and then a 1914 penny. The junk was pretty heavy but the f75 proved it's worth yet again finding goodies left behind. I knew then I still had hunting grounds despite the competition.
Headed to another park and a young guy made a bee line. Getting my attention he launched into all manner of questions. From this I could tell he was a shooter and asked him outright. He smiled and proudly showed me his phone full of pics of the coins he had pulled from the park we were in with his 3030. My first reaction internally was defeat, my next was let's see what I can get. He wished my luck and I went to detecting.
Now I'm no expert, but I can find coins. I started in all the most likely spots. The guy must have been busy, there was metres of tone less ground and little surface junk. After 20 mins I was wondering if I had been truly bested. But I had to find one! I cranked everything up in my favour and doubled down.
I methodically searched EVERY edge in that park. As surface hunters we get tired, lazy and like easy most of the time. I went where I thought was least likely to be hit and BANG, a solid 68. Before I dug it I knew it was a 1c. Out popped a little BB about 7 inches down. Now we're talking!
I combed the entire edges, and 1 by 1 they came out. And they were beautiful. I scored a threepence (1911), sixpence (1942), half penny(1953), shilling(1943) , and (gouged by the lesche ouch!) Florin(1951). A silver flush! A few BBs and modern silvers to round the two hours out. I went home with the wind in my sails and not much in my pocket, I'll put that right up there with my best hunt in a long while, and thus proved no hunt need be unsuccessful no matter the odds. I'll get a pic up.
Was swinging in a park (2nd for the day) and ran into a guy interested in my shooting. He opened up and was wondering if I'd hit on anything decent. Oddly I hadn't and he revealed I'd be second to the place to himself and at least one other shooter. I'd picked up a 5c so obviously I was reluctant to say I'd gotten anything. Any how he was a nice guy and told me about some of his finds and I instantly became more interested. I like a challenge so after a ten minute chat he left and I went back to it.
My first choice of spots was packed with people and he had mentioned he had worked that also. But I do love a challenge! Over the next 40 mins I slowed down and dug any solid iffy signals. Popped out 5c and 10c pieces all over a 10mx10m area. Then I got two great digs in a row. Up first a deep 1c and then a 1914 penny. The junk was pretty heavy but the f75 proved it's worth yet again finding goodies left behind. I knew then I still had hunting grounds despite the competition.
Headed to another park and a young guy made a bee line. Getting my attention he launched into all manner of questions. From this I could tell he was a shooter and asked him outright. He smiled and proudly showed me his phone full of pics of the coins he had pulled from the park we were in with his 3030. My first reaction internally was defeat, my next was let's see what I can get. He wished my luck and I went to detecting.
Now I'm no expert, but I can find coins. I started in all the most likely spots. The guy must have been busy, there was metres of tone less ground and little surface junk. After 20 mins I was wondering if I had been truly bested. But I had to find one! I cranked everything up in my favour and doubled down.
I methodically searched EVERY edge in that park. As surface hunters we get tired, lazy and like easy most of the time. I went where I thought was least likely to be hit and BANG, a solid 68. Before I dug it I knew it was a 1c. Out popped a little BB about 7 inches down. Now we're talking!
I combed the entire edges, and 1 by 1 they came out. And they were beautiful. I scored a threepence (1911), sixpence (1942), half penny(1953), shilling(1943) , and (gouged by the lesche ouch!) Florin(1951). A silver flush! A few BBs and modern silvers to round the two hours out. I went home with the wind in my sails and not much in my pocket, I'll put that right up there with my best hunt in a long while, and thus proved no hunt need be unsuccessful no matter the odds. I'll get a pic up.