My Fors Core hunts 2016

Prospecting Australia

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Ramjet said:
goldwright said:
Cool, new ground just rocks. Do you know what was there?

Neigh idea what what was there. Giddyup ;)

Nice to get a predec Rocket. There will be more there.

ha ha ha sounds like my site. My question is why didnt they have out door night clubs back in the early 1900's......
We found a few nice things this evening. I eventually gave Rod a go of the Core, swinging lefty, and I dug the holes. Think his first find was a large old toy car! High hopes for this site, oh and we found a lovely silver pocket watch cover, and 5 pre decs, oh plus the lead toy cowboy, riding a horse, brass buckle, and copper funnel...2 hours, 2 guys and one detector :) Pics tomorrow!
What's the we garbage? You detected and I told you you are crap at it as usual. Your finds mate. Swinging lefty is just wrong. ;)
Pretty bloody cool finds IMHO. This spot is one I have only visited once and it proved itself with a few copper pre decs and a silver watch cover. After Rocket's efforts my opinion of this spot has really leapt up the scale. With Rocket's permission I may even declare a HH. :D

A sneak peak. Sorry Rocket, couldn't resist.

Its easy to tell who is dropping the f bombs RJ! I have decided, that the tube thingy is prob razor handle. The brass funnel thingy, no idea. The car was blue, nothing to identify maker. The watch cover is hallmarked, going to take some polishing to read it, its also stamped "2 ounces". Surprised that the porcelain watch face is so intact. My first surviving pocket watch face, first lead soldier, and biggest toy car.


Noice stuff mate. The lead horse cleaned up a treat and we didn't think of a razor handle for the tube thingy. I didn't see the markings on the watch face either. Nice hunt mate, high hopes for this site after that lot. :D
rocketaroo said:
Its easy to tell who is dropping the f bombs RJ! I have decided, that the tube thingy is prob razor handle. The brass funnel thingy, no idea. The car was blue, nothing to identify maker. The watch cover is hallmarked, going to take some polishing to read it, its also stamped "2 ounces". Surprised that the porcelain watch face is so intact. My first surviving pocket watch face, first lead soldier, and biggest toy car.

Nice haul Rocket and Rod. Been cleaning my silvers lately with a citric acid solution and then a bi-carb rub, about 1/4-1/2 teaspoon of citric acid to about 50ml to 100ml of water, let it soak for about 20 mins to 1/2 hour and then rub with bi-carb, works great, if it's sterling it should work really well.
Yesterdays Hunt at the Ramjet discovered nectar sectar. Its only fair that I outshot him, as he relies on me for transport, and loading his walking frame. Would love to get a date off the big penny, but she is worn smooth.



you guys put me to shame, penny's everywhere.

gotta love the F truck too, and that little pendant looks very small, what do ya think its from?