Minelab SD2000 tips, settings, questions

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Whoever did it replaced the 10 turn trim pot, with a standard pot (which is why the detector goes off its arse when you touch the pot) you need to replace that ******* with a 20k or 50k 10 turn pot...

either it was a first attempt, or the previous owner tried to remove the mods, which isn't so simple..

Hope you got it sorted out..
Was wondering if anyone has a charger for a SD 2000 battery they'd be happy to lend/sell?
I'm located in Gippsland and would be happy to cover postage.
I'm only looking to get this up and running as the original charger should most likely be found sooner or later
It's been put somewhere it won't get lost!
Am wanting some advice on this particular model SD2000. As I don't really no what I am looking for when I purchase is there anything in particular to look out for? Approx price can't find one for sale at the moment but average price seems to be 800-1000 , should I try find a modded unit? Are coils parts fairly easy to obtain? Thanks
Shouldn't be to hard to find coils , but u often find people selling them include extras like coils , headphones etc . So look out for sellers who are retiring from the hobby as they have no need for the extras and sell the lot.

For instance I bought a SD2200d with 4 coils , about 20 maps , headphones , amp , pick and detector bag plus a UHF radio and hand held GPS for $1600 and few other bits and pieces :) . Be patient and wait for the bargains.

Also id avoid ones from WA , they always seem to have been flogged to death and in very poor condition.
I have had two 2000 the first one was not much of a detector the second one I had a 4 position switch added frequency I think its was ,it was a marvels detector out preformed a 2100 hands down. As others have said make sure its a clean detector mono coils you will have no troubles finding but you will find them a bit noisy DD coils these days are a bit harder to find I think that is the better way to go on a 2000.As Gary O said if you can stretch the budge a little you will end up with a better detector .When detecting and you are not finding gold or targets its not hard to get p-ssed off others around you are all finding things get the best that you can afford regards john :)
Thanks for the input guys, have looked into a few models of the SD and considered gpx also. From info I've found they say a decent SD2000 can still hold its own In the field. Yes sounds like a good buy when all the extras are included. Is it true that the modded SD can match that of a gpx 3500 . As being a older model I was concerned that parts may be a bit difficult to get. Do the new range dd coils work on the old technology? . I would be trying to purchase more local to me in vic so I could at least view the items .when you say the unit is flogged is that poor condition not looked after.
The 2000 especially modded ones can hold there own in some aspects , manly deep finds on larger targets but the newies will always be more stable and also be more sensitive to smaller sized gold. Its still a machine worth having if that's what the budget allows but I found them a bit tricky to use but if you put in the time to research and pratice getting the most out it the rewards will come. Mine was extremely erratic at times and after sending it to woody for a few tweaks it improved a hell of a lot. The higher voltage battery I beileve also does wonders for them. So I supppse you would have to sum up the costs of buying a stocky then getting mods or just go a higher up the models now. As for parts , the guts after removing all the manufacturers paint over the electronics are just everyday components which are replacable by a good tech .
Depends on the mods I have used 2000 that was fully modded and it was hopeless noisy un stable not a good detector to use I think I would prefer to go with a standard 3500 to start with .With standard detectors minelab will services them once they have had any mods they will not touch them .REGARDS JOHN :)
Thanks again, the budget is the dilema and buying within my means .do the SD lose value after being modded from a resale point of view? So by what I have read about this particular model is a good entry level detector. The ground I want to work is highly minerilized. Do the new dd coils work on old technology ? Have read mixed reviews stable/unstable I presume that partly comes down to the user learning there tech.
They seem to be holding there value with or without mods , if they are in good nick. I only used the standard coils , manly the 11inch double d that came with it , so id say other dd's could be used .
Thanks Gary. Just wasn't sure as I would want to give myself the best chance/luck to find the shiny stuff. Have seen a couple of SD in my range lately but seems the 2000 model is the competitive one. Looking at the other models I am not sure if any real difference between say 2000_2100 then v2 or other letter on the end
Hey guys an gals jus thought i drop a line as i have just bought myself a second hand sd2000 from eBay and can't wait for it to arrive. It's a stock model from what i can tell, with a 17x11 inch coiltech DD eliptical coil. Hoping this will improve my chances of findin some of the yella... i recently bought a xterra 705 but have just been laughed at basically when I'm out in the gold fields, i live in s.a an hope to take a holiday over to vic by the end of the year. Does anyone have any tips or hints on the sd2000 or even some inspiration from their own experience? I am still a greenhorn at all this so any advice would be greatly appreciated.
thanks folks
i was watching that SD2000 as well :)

that 17x11" DD should run great in Vic, and will handle the mineralised ground no problems. If you intend to use it here in SA, or on old diggings in Vic you want to try running small mono coils to get more sensitivity. Good luck!
PhaseTech said:
i was watching that SD2000 as well :)

that 17x11" DD should run great in Vic, and will handle the mineralised ground no problems. If you intend to use it here in SA, or on old diggings in Vic you want to try running small mono coils to get more sensitivity. Good luck!

Cheers for the tips mate i do intend using it down here but hope to get to VIC by the end of the year... do you recommend any coils in particular which would suit our grounds in S.A and more so the sd2000? The mrs and I are still pretty green at this but she found her first 20cent piece today up in the hills bout 8inches down plus a whole lot of other old fence junk and stuff buried, but found a good virgin ground area i think..
cheers again PhaseTech

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