Goldtarget said:
Help the individual to create a nest egg from their own worth. 10% is a perfect percentage and one I already subscribed to.
The reality two decades on is this system has been perverted and misdirected to the point it does not resemble anything like the stellar concept it could be or was.
Sadly, the reality was that many thought that they could survive on 10% of their current income (if that were the only contributions relied upon) in retirement, a quest i would say could not be achieved, even if they were still working & earning. (ie; the top 5% would be the only beneficiaries of such policy, viola, those who it was designed for lol).
That's 10% of income, then income tax, agent fee, (current) loooow % rate, and still falling, for return (lets face it, 2% on 1 tenth of your wage...really?), even with compounding returns this becomes marginal at best, without even going into the complexities and issues faced by companies/structures of the 'invested' funds and those whom are invested in the 'Administration' of such magnitude, we extol it to the status of 'machine' ....
A 'POLITIC' program in design and performance from the beginning. Just like our now 'association' with the UN, WHO & TPP's we have seen unravel into arenas of disastrous outcomes and loss of our Nationality and Independence. Not to mention Identity, Pride, and Democracy. Then there is the other side....the outright winners who now own us, of which, in this our 'Democratic' system/society, had absolutely no say in it's outcome, we were sold out. (See what becomes from 'legislating' out 'Referendums' has allowed to happen??)
*Note* 44 'referendums' since 2012 huh?... can't say i had knowledge of any more than a few....and certainly NONE regarding as to our unification and subservience to the UN. Please let me know if/when i missed this? (some parts of the 60's/70's are still a bit hazy
ie; we are being raped from the womb to the grave, just as in times past, just in a different and 'modern' world.
Nothing really different from millenniums ago..... 8.(
The olde adage, from Alexander Pope 300 yrs ago, still rings true..."A little bit of learning is a dangerous thing..." as seen here; " "
Seems, to get things working 'correctly'.....we still got a LOOTTT of 'learning' to do yet...sadly, it will be well after my time above ground and spent in the 'dangerous' zone of our journey to 'understanding'.