Hello everyone, I'm not an investor in shares or anything like that and know very little about economics but recently I have been reading a Blog which is written by financial planners, one of whom I know personally. The Blog is called The Daily Reckoning. It is pretty interesting reading to say the least. Years ago my accountant told me that in years to come the government wont have sufficient funds to pay the superannuation that we are forced to pay for ourselves now.[self employed] After reading a bit of this material I am starting to take it more seriously. As I said I am not skilled in the financial goings on of our country and take a lot of things on face value. We are apparently borrowing 100million K per day just to service our debt in Aus now. True or not, I don't know. If that is the case we are not going to last long financially. These guys are predicting another GFC which will eclipse the one we are still trying to get over from 2007. I wonder if there are any forum followers [Financial industry] who read the blog and if so, what are your thoughts? I would like to know what ordinary folk like me think about the issue as well. I am more cautious now because I am still trying to get back on track in the building industry in Cairns after our last effort. Sorry for a gloomy topic but it may be worth listening to the council of others on the subject. Thanks Rick