Yeah I use to buy those .227g cans by the case of 28 cans for around 20/£21.00 now they are £38.95 for 24 or £47.95 for 28 cans, And those little 465g / 1Lb Coleman bottle are over $87.00 for 2, yet I can buy a 11kg Bottle for around £38.00, Even the little Heaters that use those .227g cans were £19.95 when I bought them and now some places are charging over £117.95 for them, any thing to do with heating has gone nuts, I am alright coz I've been stock pileing Propane and Butane/LPG,
I started stock pileing it because I just won't give the power companies my money, and now they have ramped up the price I am in front when it comes to Cost per Hour run time,
I learned some valuable lessons about Solar too but thats another story.