Let myself make this clear.....I do not condone any type of environmental damage done by prospectors through negligence!
What peeves me off is people who make rash statements without actually being armed with all the facts. ie generally dont know what the f*#* they are on about.
The old timers toiled hard, blood, sweat and tears flowed every day in order for them to make a living and put food on the table.
Yes, they dug huge holes to extract the gold from the bearing reefs and they never filled them....but....this also helped to create habitat for the native wildlife.
These are pictures that i personally took myself from a major excavation of reef in the GT, which enabled the swallows to create an environmental habitat conducive to rearing their young, thus continuing the species.
The mining done here provided an area which helped keep their nests away from damaging winds and rain.
The general area. (nice dip-slip fault line hey)
A deep undercut drive in the side of the opencut. (if you look closely, you can see the bottom of the nest middle of pic)
The swallow nest in the stope of the drive
Holes left by the so called unthoughtful, can actually be a blessing for wildlife and the conservation of nature which is what we all want!
Thats all I will say in this thread.
Perhaps last season nest, or a neighboring families just to the right....or a failed first build.