It's the Ungybungyboh......and treasure!!! ( day)

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What's it like in windy conditions, does it have limitations like some of the smaller RC helicopters?
Handles very well in windy conditions, can hold position perfectly thanks to GPS.

I actually hit a new distance record today.....900M at 90m height....

Am actually looking at a polarised lens for it also, only problem is weight will throw my gimble out, will need to attach more coins as counter weights...(have plenty of them LOL)

Still frame from flight today...currently working on video.

Absolutely Amazing,.. again,... it was all good UBB, but I loved the bridge going up and down and the landing , and the fact that you can see the deep hole and where it seems silted up(early in the vid), and for most of the vid you avoided the sunlight reflections on the water(all good),... all the houses along the foreshore reminded me of a stone age village at one stage(a good thing) as you flew by them all.
Can you see what you are filming as you are flying ?, as I saw a fellow recently flying in SEQ and he was using a heads up display(probably fully) to fly so that he could see where he was going as he was flying, he was just standing still and looking down as he controlled his vehicle,.. zooming past himself and in and out through the trees,... man it was a sight to see, I can only imagine what he was seeing as he flew past himself about one and a half metres away from a direct hit with himself.
Yup, FPV, First person view...I see what camera does and all the flight diagnostics as such..Speed, height, distance from me, pitch, roll, battery life etc etc..

I am putting down my hundreds of hours on flight simulators since the Amiga 500 to my quick pickup (its actually piss easy to fly, but without FPV it can get tricky ).....have lots more in store, early days :)

Glad you liked it Silver :) Actually enjoy all aspects of the whole kit n kaboodle.....Might have to get my license so I can do it as a job :)

P.S I ordered a filter for lens, be here in couple of days :)

P.P.S Got it out to 900m distance at 90m height yesterday......shitting myself but fun :) Yes I could see it....just...
Hell yeah, great vids. Very stable in the air too. Best of luck with the move Ungy, been a local here on the Northern Beaches most of my life, generally love the place but the traffic and amount of people is a nightmare. FNQ sounds perfect.

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