They are great photos goldierocks, sorry if I sounded like a Doubting Thomas in an earlier post. I re-read the thread this morning to see where the wheels fell off with Malri and I, and I can see where I seemingly conflated the Bullet shell, nail, coin, bolt faves with your statement regarding the gold on roots. My apologies to Malri too.
With regard to Dykes and their age relative to gold deposition, there seems to be some confusion about this. Near McIntyre at Longbush for example, I have heard people refer to a geological feature there as both a Granitic Dyke, and a Volcano. Firstly, which would be the correct term? Secondly, I thought the granite outcrops that we see throughout the golden triangle & Kooyoora areas of Rheola, Dunolly, Kingower and surrounds, were a geological feature which came much later than gold?
I think from my own background (one of my quals is in Adult Education), I understand that people learn in many different ways. Verbal, Visual, demonstration, role-play, study & exams etc. Personally I am very much a visual person, and your Dyke photos are brilliant.- Thanks
