Brian said:
Imho denying climate change is similar to denying the aerosols and ozone link.its proven we can make substantial atmospheric changes.
The first link between co2 and warming was made in 1896. I think it's safe to assume the research back then was not considered in a monatised framework and was impartial.
We put out a poofteenth of emisions compared to countries like China and India.
The fact is if we shut down Australia tomorrow....completely, it would not make one iota of a difference to climate change ( Co2 emissions)
Your argument for climate change is based purely on political correctness....what gets the votes in Oz and they have the un-initiated sucked in.
You argue science but you dont even know what the chemical symbol is for Carbon dioxide....
Millions of years of evolution will see our planet survive, long after the human race is wiped!