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Feb 17, 2014
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I am starting to work on an idea that I have had brewing for a while.
I will not go into it too much on here but Pm me to hear my thoughts,
The Federated Miners And Prospectors Guild Of Australia
Worth thinking about. ?
Main aim is to bring together all States of Australia focusing on the issues we
have and be the pointy end of our voices without impeding the brilliant work
done by our own State Lobby Groups.
It's got merit but I don't know that a National body could do much about various state issues? Each state does have some similar issues like access etc. but on a state by state level they have differing legislation governing them so the issues, while appearing the same or similar on the surface, can be quite unique to a particular state. There are also other issues unique to states due to this. IMO I really believe these issues need to be tackled on a state by state basis by their own state associations & in the first instance more support needs to be encouraged for those existing now or wanting to get started.
It could work if each state group were to become state branches of a National body but I doubt long term associations like PMAV or APLA would be prepared to lose or change their current identity. As a minimum each state association would need a member to be on board with the National body so as any National lobbying done didn't inadvertently have a negative affect on any one state or states.
Many associations with volunteer office holders would already be facing issues with time & even filling some positions now. For a National body to succeed state membership would need to be very strong Australia wide & at the moment some states have no organised membership or are in their infancy trying to get recognised + keep memberships rising.
I also believe some type of National forum/council has already been discussed by the likes of NAPFA, PMAV, APLA? From memory the consensus was that it might be worthwhile thinking about but later down the track.
IMO, & definitely for the shorter term, we need to encourage support for those state associations already fighting for our rights now + support any others attempting to get started.
mbasko said:
It's got merit but I don't know that a National body could do much about various state issues? Each state does have some similar issues like access etc. but on a state by state level they have differing legislation governing them so the issues, while appearing the same or similar on the surface, can be quite unique to a particular state. There are also other issues unique to states due to this. IMO I really believe these issues need to be tackled on a state by state basis by their own state associations & in the first instance more support needs to be encouraged for those existing now or wanting to get started.
It could work if each state group were to become state branches of a National body but I doubt long term associations like PMAV or APLA would be prepared to lose or change their current identity. As a minimum each state association would need a member to be on board with the National body so as any National lobbying done didn't inadvertently have a negative affect on any one state or states.
Many associations with volunteer office holders would already be facing issues with time & even filling some positions now. For a National body to succeed state membership would need to be very strong Australia wide & at the moment some states have no organised membership or are in their infancy trying to get recognised + keep memberships rising.
I also believe some type of National forum/council has already been discussed by the likes of NAPFA, PMAV, APLA? From memory the consensus was that it might be worthwhile thinking about but later down the track.
IMO, & definitely for the shorter term, we need to encourage support for those state associations already fighting for our rights now + support any others attempting to get started.

With you on that mbasko,
At the moment we have Vic, NSW & WA represented by state based groups, there is a need for other states to form their own lobby groups so Queensland, SA, Tas & NT need to come to the party. ;)
I think the Federal Govt. likes it the way it is. "Divided they fall" as they say and the individual power plays between the ego's of individual parties in each state will make this a very hard thing to achieve.
Politics aren't nice.
Enough said by me. Just my opinion.
Well I think it's a great Idea, Like I said on that other post/thread about Land being placed as "Out of Bounds" this is what needs to happen because why should foreign investors take "Priority" Over You.

That, If this is going to cost to be members let me know and PM me a Pay Pal Gizmo and Count Me In.


PS, this also opens the doors to Badges or Patches or Even Better a Laminated membership card just to keep things official like.
Political party maybe? similar to the shooters and fishers and whatever else parties. Not sure I like politicians mind you, but if you could get the state based groups involved then you have a shot at a direct voice and more publicity to boot.
Spot On Mbasko,
Not in any way to form all of the State groups into one group.
There is no way in this world that should happen.
But, A pipeline that operates with no Sate Boundaries and brings each and all
of us into one Pipeline to share a collective voice and resources.
Hence a Federated Guild.
Say if there were 2 representatives from each State,
1 can be a Key Member of a State Lobby Group and 1 can be a Standard or Key member of another Group.
That can be expanded to say 4 from each state or as required. This in effect gives a balance of power and
a very collective voice.
And Help each other State that does not have a Lobby Group to form one.
Any one can join the Guild any where and lend their voice.
How do you think that some of the organizations that we know of operate.
bend said:
Political party maybe? similar to the shooters and fishers and whatever else parties. Not sure I like politicians mind you, but if you could get the state based groups involved then you have a shot at a direct voice and more publicity to boot.

There is no need for it to be political based, Because this is about keeping what we have and not to be passed over in favour to mining companies or foreign invertors. We need to just let them know that these things are not acceptable, And they can not sell what belongs to the public as a Whole.

Tathradj said:
Thanks John,
Yes, You are right.
Non Political.
That is why I am suggesting a Guild.

Well I'm in Tath,

The trouble with going down the political Route is you have to play to their Rules, By doing it your way we get to keep the freedom to decide what is acceptable and what is Not. In a Orderly manor while retaining respectability,

Good Luck.


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