It's got merit but I don't know that a National body could do much about various state issues? Each state does have some similar issues like access etc. but on a state by state level they have differing legislation governing them so the issues, while appearing the same or similar on the surface, can be quite unique to a particular state. There are also other issues unique to states due to this. IMO I really believe these issues need to be tackled on a state by state basis by their own state associations & in the first instance more support needs to be encouraged for those existing now or wanting to get started.
It could work if each state group were to become state branches of a National body but I doubt long term associations like PMAV or APLA would be prepared to lose or change their current identity. As a minimum each state association would need a member to be on board with the National body so as any National lobbying done didn't inadvertently have a negative affect on any one state or states.
Many associations with volunteer office holders would already be facing issues with time & even filling some positions now. For a National body to succeed state membership would need to be very strong Australia wide & at the moment some states have no organised membership or are in their infancy trying to get recognised + keep memberships rising.
I also believe some type of National forum/council has already been discussed by the likes of NAPFA, PMAV, APLA? From memory the consensus was that it might be worthwhile thinking about but later down the track.
IMO, & definitely for the shorter term, we need to encourage support for those state associations already fighting for our rights now + support any others attempting to get started.