Angus Madden
(Thursday-Friday) marked out holes on the rocker box so it can classify. I cut two aluminium strips to hold the rocker box to make the rocker box a 45 degree angle to the sluice box. Made the end bit on the rocker box.
To do list:
Drill all holes on the rocker box so the end bit can be the classifier.
Drill the hole for the hose can go at the top.
Cut the expanded mesh to the right size.
Make 4 metel legs.
Get the Baylis matting.
That's all I can think of at the moment. Thanks.
To do list:
Drill all holes on the rocker box so the end bit can be the classifier.
Drill the hole for the hose can go at the top.
Cut the expanded mesh to the right size.
Make 4 metel legs.
Get the Baylis matting.
That's all I can think of at the moment. Thanks.