Hi from northeast Victoria

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Feb 10, 2017
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Hi gang
Love the forum. Lots of really useful information and friendly prospectors. I live in the upper ovens valley which once was full of gold but was very heavily worked by dredges. There's plenty of flood gold but having prospected the creeks a fair bit I've done pretty poorly but love the thrill of the chase and hot summer days in the water are Divine! Hopefully I'll find a decent patch sometime and certainly I'll keep trying. Unfortunately the wife is not so keen on prospecting so my time is a bit limited. We have a Creek in our front yard which has yielded very little colour despite extensive sampling. However there are plenty of other waterways locally with plenty of flow for sluicing.some of my mates did very well with dredges in the 80s (there's plenty of illegal dredging still occurring which shits me as I'm sure the greenies will continue to argue for a total shut down of sluicing and high banking, if they had their way the bush would be locked up for the deer, cats, dogs, foxes ect to enjoy exclusively). My plan is to try to hike to areas with a bazooka beyond where most of dredging crew probably got to with vehicle access. Anyways thanks for the great forum and generous sharing of information.
Welcome to PA Edi.
A lovely part of the country there.
And very disappointing to hear dredging is happening. :mad:
No matter what's legislated, you'll always get the law breakers though, who end up spoiling it for everyone.
Greedy a-holes who need a good kick up the ass.

Best of luck with your search for the shiny stuff.

G'Day Edi

Another north easterner. Great. I am in Wodonga. spend most of time up around Beechworth and sometimes Mitta or Buckland. Welcome. Maybe we can catch up some time.
