G'day Matt, the GE overlays will only work on a pc, not a phone or tablet unfortunately, it's a great resource though. Just PM a date when you're right to go and we can organise it, should be fun.
Looks like a perfect spot, right in the middle of it, pretty much guaranteed to have Sapphs and Gold on your place.
Those dams could be the perfect spot to have a first look for Sapps without even digging, have a look on the tops and sides where any gravel is sitting and see if there are any on the surface, I won't be surprised if there are a few small ones.
I'm not 12g shy, love a good boom every now and then, though if detecting those pellets can be your worst enemy, lol.
I'm sure you and your wife will have utmost respect from any members invited, a great offer, thanks again.
Looks like a perfect spot, right in the middle of it, pretty much guaranteed to have Sapphs and Gold on your place.
I'm not 12g shy, love a good boom every now and then, though if detecting those pellets can be your worst enemy, lol.
I'm sure you and your wife will have utmost respect from any members invited, a great offer, thanks again.