Here's a little something called gold

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Paydirt said:
Hey Gt mates on the weekend were running a set up like your - HB into a river sluice - the Au wasnt quite Oallen Forde fine but there was some fly poo (stuff sticks to your fingers when trying to clean up - will have to pan my vacumm cleaner contents again) and some did make it thru the HB into the sluice. Question is - most of your take looks fairly chunky, so did any make it into the sluice? Cheers in advance Tim

Honestly mate Dustin hooked me up with that little piece of brilliance (Cheers again GD) and as I do I had a bit of a tinker and set up new spray bar and added some vrib under the expanded in the top box over the slick plate. The highbanker was awesome as produced I just added to its greatness. Probably 80% stayed in the top box, the flow from the spray bar and its action combined with the vrib under the expanded caught most of it and the little nugget trap only let the occasional little tiny fines out, but caught almost all the remaining balance. I'll get a couple of pics up (pictures are better than words).

I'm just overly cautious about keeping everything, hence the sluice, it was just piece of mind as those hog mats can empty out in a sudden stop of flow or being off Centre. Honestly I got no gold in it and ideally it would be placed further under the bottom box but I have no doubt if there were heaps more fines it would really help. It caught a poo ton of small ironstone and fine black sands. I didn't test my tailings I'm not that keen when I'm onto gold like I was, if it can make it that far it's earned it's freedom as a well known member has said here before.
So this is taken from above from the overburden end. I run 1 inch pipe in a "T" section cut at a 45 angle and one downward slot just behind it. It pushes the material into the corners in a vortex pattern. This holds gold and medium size rocks up in the top for around 4 or five times longer than traditional spray bar. The gold settles in the vrib under that expanded. Next time I'm out I'll take a pic of the flow and the chunky gold settled in. Once the expanded its removed it reveals heaps of pieces. It's hard to see when the water is in there running because it runs so deep and turbulent but I trust that most of it is settling in. It's very important to have confidence in your equipment and once it's settled in it would be very hard to dislodge it.


This is the design for the nugget trap, I give all credit to GD, expanded over Moss over vrib onto a removable aly plate with a bend in the front. Not much gets past this, it's important to get the gold to settle in early in your configuration and this performs nicely. I've been playing with different designs that all rely on this same principle. It's great to have a good idea but as prospectors replicating and refining what works is just as effective if not more so than going down your own path.

Hope that helps.
Haha no mat supplied, must have been in a hurry, but that just proves it was a good idea haha.
Yeh sorry mate that os absolutely the design you're supposed to be able to see the gold. Its a sampler backpacker. Glad were on the same page lol great minds and all that. I havent tested the t type spray bar before youll javw to ahow me how it goes ") bloody good to see the young fella having a dig :)

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